[[I will add extras to the post when I get home after work I'm inspired to write though right now]] Just gotta keep moving. Those are he thoughts running through Caelans head as he hurdles railings and kicks up and around fixtures. A breakfast sandwich hangs from his mouth. A trip of donuts half squished in his left breast pocket and a paper towel wrapped around several steps of cooked bacon in his right. And behind him several angry members of a food cart he nabbed the food from on his way passed. Things like "God damned scum skater!" And threats of harm come from the people as Caelan runs. Until with a heaven hrs sailing outing the open air. The cart opener stopping at the abyss and watching carlan disappear into the air. Safe! And soon a bang as his wire launcher fires and he's swinging on to safety. Landing on the far side well out of danger. Finsing himself a place to sit, nearby a public news kiosk playing a short story about a sniper kill, wait dis the anchor say it was someone in another Sk@te cell? Oh that doesn't bode well. Caelan munched on the sandwich and bacon before he turned and with a grunt threw himself into the air again. Only one place he might be able to hear more around here. Or we'll two really he could head home to Morris Road, one of the elders may have heard more. But right now there's somewhere else he can check The Bodega. It takes him a bit to get there. But soon there's a clatter on the rooftop of the building and a thump as Caelan slides down the front of the building and slips into the door, "Morning folks." He's not a regular but he's been through a time or two, "Puck up anything by The Tragically Hip of late?" He calls to Johnny as he picks his way towards the counter, "Or hear any juicy news? Maybe?" Caelan quirks an eyebrow curiously and smiles at Baba in greeting offering first Rielly then Johnny one of his donuts while munching on the last one himself.