[COLOR=WHEAT]"Entertaining?"[/COLOR] He frowned. [COLOR=WHEAT]"She supposedly knows more about your brother's operations here than the British Ministry does. Moreover,"[/COLOR] he jotted a finger in her direction, [COLOR=wheat]"it'll be you and I who they end up blaming for it."[/COLOR] His other hand wrapped around the stem of his wineglass. [COLOR=WHEAT]"I'm not planning to go out that way."[/COLOR] He finally muttered, bringing the glass to his lips. He could almost taste a reflection of his own anxiety in the wine as the show continued. The only 'relief' - if that was what you could call it - came from the equally irking remarks made by the dark witch to his right. [COLOR=WHEAT]"I am not going to use the Imperiatus curse on her."[/COLOR] He declared as calmly as he could. It still came out as a biting remark, however. [COLOR=WHEAT]"There is nothing I 'want' from her, except for the information we need."[/COLOR] If she was going to be like this all the time, this whole ordeal was going to be one of his most frustrating experiences yet. His eyes scanned the crowd once more. Most of the tables were occupied, most by small groups in casual to slightly fancy outfits who were here for an exciting night out. There were some he moved right over, and others that his gaze lingered on. There were three groups, slightly bigger than the others, that he guessed were bachelor parties. Then there was a couple at a table in the front, who were either trying to rob each other or doing things he considered quite inappropriate. Some tables back, two waiters were arguing with their voices kept low. Lastly, his gaze fell on a group of four standing to the side. Judging from their faces and hard looks, they weren't here just to ejoy the show. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Acquaintances of yours, Miss Wyrmstone?"[/COLOR] He whispered, nudging his head slightly in their direction. [COLOR=WHEAT]"If not, then I fear that we might get to know them better before the night is over."[/COLOR] He remarked dryly. When the final shot was to be fired, Topsy's measuring eyes met theirs. For the brief instance that they did, Percy caught on to her look. [COLOR=WHEAT]"She knows."[/COLOR] He felt a little more at ease, knowing that the first contact was made. Usually any plan he was a part of crashed and burned the minute he stepped in. When the grand finale ended and the applause came, Percy looked in the direction of the four men again. Then muttered a curse. [COLOR=WHEAT]"They're gone."[/COLOR] Had they noticed them? No, that was unlikely. Even if they stood out slightly in their attire, the audience sat tightly packed together and the lighting made it difficult to make out faces. Besides, there was an easier target. A target who's current location was marked by a door with her name etched into it. [COLOR=WHEAT]"They're going after her. We need to get there fi-"[/COLOR] He was interrupted by the bunny girl from earlier, holding an invitation. Percy took it and studied it with a frown. [COLOR=WHEAT]"This woman's really one for theatrics, isn't she?"[/COLOR] He commented, handing the piece of paper to Nerissa for her to study. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Fine,"[/COLOR] that was more to himself, [COLOR=WHEAT]"let's get going then. Oh! Before I forget-"[/COLOR] He stopped mid-turn, fishing the nefarious black wand out of his coat pocket. [COLOR=WHEAT]"you'll need this if we run into those four."[/COLOR] He thrust it toward her. [COLOR=WHEAT]"And only if they attack first, you hear me? [i]If[/i]."[/COLOR] He rounded on her again a heartbeat later. [COLOR=WHEAT]"And also no more than necessary. We don't exactly have a license to kill here. Or grievously mutilate them."[/COLOR] He sincerely hoped she understood.