[hider=Log#1A] [color=e3bbc6]”Why don’t we scan ourselves?”[/color] [color=baddab]”I’d rather not!”[/color] [color=e3bbc6]”Maybe a brief description will do then.”[/color] [/hider] Binky A very tired, very overworked magical researcher. Her specialty is minting magical coins that scramble and rearrange the magic of those that use them. Is lovingly called Binky because she's a bit of a crybaby. Even though she's come a long way in her fitness and training, she's still a bit timid unless backed into a corner. Not an official member of the 7 Nation Army project, but she's fun to have around. Is also a magical girl. P.T. An inter dimensional traveler who trains fighters around the multiverse. She talks like a stoner and is always hopped up on questionable substances that enhance her combat capabilities. Or maybe that's because she's using recreational drugs all the time? More research is necessary. Is not a magical girl, but is often confused for one. Aria Rizzo The big boss. Formerly a magical girl, but recently acquired god-like status. Is too busy messing around with the fabric of distant realities to do anything truly productive. Has an unsavory past, but that's the past. It's all fun and profit now.