[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Nn68vAk.png[/img][hr][hr][color=gold]◈[/color] Day 1 [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Time:[/color] Night [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Weather:[/color] Moderate Rain [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Location:[/color] Main Ballroom [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Participants:[/color] Leah [@Vietmyke] Anastasia Arslan [@Ti], Sylvia Copeland [@LuckyBlackCat] [hr][hr][/center] The quiet had lasted for only a moment, the resulting tension snapping like a rubber band. For the briefest moment they were alone, and then the pupa came. Leah steeled herself as the noncombat students began to move, while the rescue team headed off and the defense students like herself moving to the rear of their formation to fend off the pupa as they entered through broken windows and from hallways out of sight. Not quite an overwhelming flood, but they came from nowhere and everywhere at once, and panic ensued. Students began to engage in their own battles, usually a senior accompanied by a junior or two. Leah's eyes caught motion to her left, and instinctively, a piece of plate metal shifted, as a pointed fingers like spears pierced them but stuck. A Pupa tried to retract its nails for a second strike, but Leah was faster, throwing the plate up into the air to break the creature's guard as she threw several more chunks of metal into its chest. Once, twice, then thrice, Leah struck the creature, a steel gauntlet mimicking the motions of its manipulator as Leah rapidly jabbed her fist through the air. The steel itself wasn't enough to kill the creature, but dazed it enough for Leah to take the chunk of steel its nails were still attached through and lob it out the nearest window. For the most part, the plan seemed to be working, Ana, along with Raff and Manny had begun to lead the remaining students out of the ballroom, which meant it was time for Leah to start sealing the way out. [color=73c8f2]"Defenders! Fall back!"[/color] Her voice boomed across the ballroom, [color=73c8f2]"Into the hall! I'm sealing the ballroom!"[/color] While most of them were capable fighters, there were too many Pupa for them to just fight off- not to mention they were still just students. The ballroom was too open, at least in the hallways they knew they could only be attacked from one or two, clear directions at a time. As the remaining students began to back out, A flash of fur and silver caught Leah's eyes. Sylvia had bitten off a bit more than she could chew, the junior student taking on a Pupa by herself. She'd done a number to the pupa, but it had gotten a piece of her too. As the creature leaped up to swipe at the grounded Sylvia, a large chunk of steel knocked it off its feet as Leah landed behind her, sideswiping the Pupa with several bits of plate. Clasping both her fists together and bringing them down over her head, a storm of metal collapsed over the creature's head, driving it into the ground. Leah panted, sweating, tired from manipulating so much material in so short a time, but exhaustion could wait until after they'd gotten out of trouble. With a yank of her hand, a wave of telekinetic force pulled the caitshifter off the ground and onto her feet. [color=73c8f2]"We. Are. Leaving."[/color] Leah said to her with an exerted grunt, before another wave of telekinetic force urged the second year towards the hall. Leah's face strained again as she flew over and stood under the archway that connected the hall to the ballroom. As her fist clenched, the stonework above her began to crack and shift. Pebbles and chips of broken stonework began to fall from the ceiling as Leah's powers took hold of the structure itself, the rest of the steel that she had commandeered falling to the ground with a series of unceremonious [i]clunks[/i]. [color=73c8f2]"Everyone! Out! Now! I need to close them off, there's too many of them!"[/color]