[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LjFjNjMzZC5TRzl5YVhwdmJpQlNhV1JsY2cuNA/pirulen.rg-regular.webp[/img][/center] [b]Interactions:[/b] Two Strangers and a Familiar Face ([@Kamen Evie]) [right][code]World Fighting Carnival - Maintenance Room[/code][/right] The Demon Rider slipped into the room with little fuss, but him suddenly announcing his presence was of little concern to the small team of engineers and scientists, who paid him a brief look before turning their attention to the more precious matter at hand, finishing up the maintenance on their little project. The flying SD card hit the poor woman right in the face, yet she managed to scramble and cup it in her hands. "Ow! Who told you we'd be down here?!" The tall man sat up and put aside his whetstone. He smiled warmly at Izzy, yet still notably clutched the grip of his blade. His own way of letting him know he was on thin ice being there. [quote][color=Silver]“Here’s the data from the kid’s little bout.”[/color] His tone was tensely professional, mostly restraining his disregard for everything about this room and everyone in it. [color=Silver]“She was telling me about some robot trying to take the stone… is it one of yours?”[/color][/quote] "Robot? No," The woman answered, gently rubbing her nose, "You should know by now Horizon does not deal with robotics, Isabella. Besides, did you see the first round? That guy's [i]opponent[/i] was a robot trying to take the stone," She said, pointing over to the still heavily-restrained Justice Rider knockoff. "Although, I [i]have[/i] noticed something among the contestants that definitely seems a bit seedy," She explained. She awkwardly leaned to the side of her seat, holding her arm out and twisting it to show the screen to Izzy. On it was the tall, cold and monotone figure buried in a trench coat and a hat. "This guy here caught my eye. I don't know [i]where[/i] I've seen him before, but I've definitely seen him. It'll take me a bit before I can prowl Horizon's database for what I need to know. When I find it, I'll tell you," She promised, pinching the SD card Izzy gave between her fingers and putting it in her pocket. [b]*CLICK!*[/b] Both of their heads turned in the direction of their Superstar being released from his bindings as the successful maintenance team backed away. The creature stood up, shook it's limbs and rolled it's neck. Back in action. SYM-24 simply walked at a normal pace towards the garage door, cutting between Izzy and their two handlers. And as they crossed, it's head cocked slightly to the side, and it shot a death glare at Izzy through it's helmet. Without a word, they lifted the garage door from the bottom, slipped to the other side, and gave the Demon Rider one last look before shutting it and walking back to the venue. The man stared at the door perplexed, before turning back to Izzy with a stupid grin. "I think he likes you," he muttered.