[center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Provided the most direct explanation was the correct one, and there was no further deception afoot, the notion of one or more Kriliterans still being alive was a significant discovery that would make for a notable report back to the Order of Sages. And it was only the fourth one this week. Still, there was something to be learned here. Some of Kerchack’s, or rather “Kolvar’s”, general awkwardness made more sense now. The arrival of the Humans was still a far more valuable subject for her to investigate, and even had the potential for her to produce an entire encyclopedia. Any substantial, detailed investigation into the Kriliterans would have to wait until she had learned what she needed from the Humans. Which, of course, made his apparent intention to kill himself all the more inconvenient. His corpse would tell her much less than he could. “Hmm, what purpose would this death serve, Kolvar?” Kareet asked. “Thusfar, you have not encountered any representative nor servant of a S’toric state. The Warden, this Thought mage, General Kvarr, all are in service of Mythadia or the Ascendancy, respectively. Slavery is a forbidden practice in both nations.”