[quote=Sere] It is clear you have never worked at a nursing home. Its a dumping ground for family members. Grandma gets old, her mind is now gone. She is now in a wheelchair screaming "Help me Help me Help me" and a staff member ask how can I help you. She just looks at you and is confused. You walk away and she starts screaming again. Or, your in a wheelchair and you go the bathroom and you do not even know it. And if you are a family member, and you know your grandma can be like that for years. Sons and daughters and other family members cannot take it -- and they refuse to come back. And when grandma health gets bad, they could take her to the hospital. But since the family members cannot stand looking at her. She ends up in the day room to hang around the fish tank, and the staff at the nursing station just watch her die. We can keep grandma alive a little bit longer, but we drop her in the day room to watch her die. Is that not suicide? [/quote] No. Suicide is when a rational thinking being decides that their fear of being alive outweighs their fear of dying and goes for the great escape. Euthenasia is when a rational thinking being knows that the quality of life they have left is going to be so terrible and such a burden on their family that they want a peaceful dignified death. Not to become a meat-shell going through the motions or a pure sac of agony. YOUR utterly terrible mindless example is called "Criminal Neglect" or "Manslaughter"