Vigdis looked up at the civvie from her seat. [color=00AEFF]”You don’t know who’s on the bridge. I do. He’s not gonna help.”[/color] In the unexpected festive mood, she let slip an opinion she probably shouldn’t have in front of a civvie. Keep up the Potemkin Village facade of a well-oiled crew, Vigdis... [color=00AEFF]”Let’s see if we can find something you can use.”[/color] Excusing herself from the table and leading the metalhead back into the ship, she let him go through the list of equipment on board that could possibly work for him, audio engineering being a complete enigma to her. In an unguarded moment, she also grabbed a pair of noise-canceling headphones. Just in case. Coming back outside, she nudged the musician with her elbow. [color=00AEFF]”Looks like the party’s breaking up a bit. Giddy up before you lose all of your audience.”[/color] Curiosity getting the best of her, she started making her way to where everyone else was scurrying off to. Maybe some of the soldiers were handing out some food or booze from their private supply and didn’t want their commanders to see. Well, that was a nice thought, anyway. Catching the tail end of Kolvar’s explanation and seeing a… thing…? About to unalive itself, Vigdis turned right back around. She didn’t have to be everywhere and see everything. But something Nellara said made her stop, like a weak reading on a bullshit detector. [color=00AEFF]”You mean like you [i]didn’t[/i] point a row of metal balls at me with magic when we first met? It’s natural to point weapons at that which you fear, and it’s natural to fear that which you don’t understand. That,“[/color] She pointed at the Kriliteran, [color=00AEFF]”whatever that is, fits that description.”[/color] If she had a Krone for every time something that vaguely resembled Kolvar brutally murdered a person on the silver screen, she wouldn’t have had to take the Stavenger job. Humans being uneasy about something that looked this weird might as well have been a Pavlovian reflex by now. [color=00AEFF]”Besides, if he wants to off himself, having weapons that can do that faster and painlessly pointed at him is the least of his problems.”[/color] The engineer grumbled to herself.