[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tCWhF1qr/image.gif[/img][/center] Da'Niyah looked very unenthused the moment the rat beastman appeared in the clearing she was beginning to grow accustomed too. The squeaking sounds of garbled nonsense they produced felt like it shouldn't be, or rather like hearing someone say something in another language, which while she was accustomed to, this specific language? or perhaps dialect sounded both inelegant and like high pitched cheerleaders when they sing-songed words instead of cheering them properly. This, by itself, struck a nerve with her and her narrowed slightly, when he or she, or perhaps it started charging her it was almost by instinct that she flitted away, a sidestep which made her toned legs go tuat. The rats spear which it had in a ready to attack position, made it harder for it to turn towards Da'Niyah quickly, so without any second thoughts, she threw her bouquet at them. Soon as she did this, she registered at sudden cry out from Sayu, who was aiming for the neck of the rat. She had little time to consider what Sayu was doing however, as it was still aiming for her in the long run. All her strength training and dealing with hormonal high schoolers was finally being put to use. The bouquet, which seemed to defy all possible logic unraveled an burst in an absolute flurry of flowerfall around the rat thing, actually it was had expanded all around the clearing petals falling slowly and fluttering harmlessly on the other women, however it was densest near her target. This was not all however, because as soon as all the petals had fallen from their thorny stems the thorns seemed to aim at the rat. It didn't look like her skill did much harm, but the thing definitely had small pieces of fur that were surely scattered around them. Now all that lay was lace debris from the previous bouquet, which... seemed to be disappearing? Though a blaring message came through her mind, making her pause briefly. Well, not before taking precautionary steps away from the fur of the disheveled rat. [quote][b]SKILL ON COOL DOWN[/b] skill, [u]pink roses and burgundy thorns[/u] will be in skill cooldown for five turns [/quote] [@Hammerman]