[center] [h3][color=d7d7d7][b]Roland[/b][/color][/h3] And [color=0072bc]Robot[/color] [color=ec008c]Girls[/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1120967522892648530/BlackSilenceIcon.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxFo3GL.png[/img] Level 3 Roland - (17/30) Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (40/120) Level 5 Susie - (49/50) - (Holding 2 level up) [b]Location:[/b] Sector 9 [b]Word Count:[/b] 1269 [/center] When Goldlewis had found a gate, gone in, and come out with what H mentioned as only 1% redshift, Blazermate had to re-calibrate her sensors. She thought it was going to build really fast, but with Goldlewis being super, super high compared to everyone else, but only 1%, perhaps things wouldn't be as limited time wise as she thought. [color=0072bc]"Huh... well, go figure."[/color] Blazermate said, scratching her cheek. [color=0072bc]"Glad your still safe."[/color] Taking back to the skies, Blazermate spotted some sort of lookout that was... injured? Well, he was for sure hurt. And a lookout would have a lot of info, since it was his job to actually look out around things. Figuring since they were looking for info, Blazermate did what she did, flew over and healed the guy and pulled him to a place of relative safety. He was grateful for the rescue, and much like his job said, he knew a lot. The gunner drone wasn't something Blazermate really needed, but she took it all the same since it would be rude to refuse a reward. The info about how to get to sector 5, and the warning, was nice either way, and Blazermte thanked the guy. She then flew back to inform Sandalphon so she could inform the others about what she had learned and found. Susie meanwhile spotted the crates that Sandalphon was talking about. She used her transporter to head on over and grab a few, investigating them to see if they were worth anything before mentioning anything. She quickly found the crates were full of... basic things. While probably somewhat valuable in the area shes in, they weren't all that great. Still, loot was loot, so perhaps they could be useful. She still informed Sandalphon, saying. [color=ec008c]"I see the crates and I'm collecting them now. Have the others continue to look for information. "[/color] Susie flew to each crate, grabbing each item and not too enthused by what she found, finding some Medicine, some Gasoline Jelly, and an Electric Spike. All items that she guessed would be useful somewhere, but weren't super valuable. She'd let the others know what she found when she got back, perhaps they would find a use for such common items... [hider=Susie has gained] Medicine x1, Gasoline Jelly x1, Energy Spike x1 [/hider] Roland meanwhile was looking about the area himself. He had heard the report about crates from Sandalphon, and as he was moving through the town, he saw a rattling Cargo container. Since he hadn't seen these crates, he wondered if this is what she meant. Outside the crate was some dead flowers, but considering the area, that wasn't anything strange. Strange sounds could be heard from inside the cargo crate, and it was locked, but from what Roland could gather from the sounds, they sounded vaguely human. And from the looks of the crate, it was locked from the outside. [color=d7d7d7]"With how crazy these people have seemed so far, I shouldn't be surprised one of them locked another in a crate."[/color] Roland said, rolling his eyes as he conjured one of his swords to break the lock on the crate with little effort. This was a mistake, as the thing that sounded human wasn't human, at all. It was another one of those [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1149190460695388270/scarlet-sabbatauger.png]Other[/url] monsters. Having its freedom, it immediately charged out and rushed at Roland, who himself got into a combat stance and began to fight, clashing its charge with his two handed Durndel and breaking through its initial attack, dealing very little damage. At this time he was reminded of those monstrous abnormalities on the floor of language, and with that, tapped into said power. His first memory was that of Little Red Mercenary, who's voice echoed around Roland for everyone nearby to hear. "I’m a pro. I can handle that easily."(Prey), and with that, Roland struck the creature with his daggers and with that, a mark appeared on it as it was now his 'prey'. The creature still took almost no damage from this attack, with its next attack, an overhead smash, being clashed with by Roland's hammer. This broke Roland's attack however, and he took the damage instead. The next attack came, and with that, Roland swapped back to his swords. A few slashes with its claws that Roland dodged, parried, clashed, and struck through. This reminded him of Red's nemesis, the Big Bad Wolf, who's gruff voice howled out "A wolf needs no name, it just obeys the role it was born to fit in…"(Role of the Wolf) around Roland, which came into effect immediately as Roland used his Counter on the creature's next attack, a slam from its helmet. This counter had managed to finally do enough damage to reveal its weak point, a mass of eyes. The creature didn't like that however, and jumped away from Roland to initiate a special attack, where it stood on its hands and a blood like ooze dripped from its eyes and began to create a puddle in the area. Roland jumped on top of the crate this creature had been inside to avoid the puddle of liquid, pulling out his rifle to shoot at it in retaliation. Soon after it had done the attack, the ooze seeped into the ground, causing whatever plantlife it touched to wither and die. [color=d7d7d7]"Yikes, I've gotta watch out for that one."[/color] Roland said as he jumped off the crate as the ooze disappeared and came down on the creature with his giant sword, it now taking proper damage from his attacks at last with its head exposed. Enraged by this, the creature began to thrash around wildly and slammed its body into Roland, who only managed to barely deflect its attack thanks to his recent buff. It didn't stop there though, and slashed at him again with its claws, which Roland clashed using his twin swords. The first two swipes of the creature broke through his clash, but Roland overpowered the third. He then used his hammer to smash in its head, dealing some damage as its next series of claw swipes clashed against the large hammer, dealing minimal damage to Roland. Again Roland clashed with the creature, dealing significant damage as he pulled out Durndel again to slash at it and breaking its claw swipe attacks. This reminded him of that... mountain of smiling bodies, and with that, an echo of multiple voices saying "More bodies… will… make us… stronger…" (Absorbtion) chittered out, and Roland attacked once again using his mace this time. The monster, weak however, wasn't having that and as Roland was going in for the attack, did its ooze attack again, hitting Roland as it was much stronger than his mace. [color=d7d7d7]"Yeah... that hurt..."[/color] he said, getting hit but not letting up on the damage and came at the creature with his lance, stabbing it three times and finally putting the thing down. A sickening squelching sound could be heard as Roland started to look much better. Not at full health, but darn well close as Absorbtion healed him at the death of this creature. And with that, the battle was over and he could claim the spirit as a prize. What he'd do with it, he wasn't sure yet. He could use a bit of a patch up either way... hey wasn't that blue robot a healer? He probably looked like he hit the ground a bit too hard right now, so getting topped up wasn't all that bad and he went to go back to the rest of the team, a spirit ready to be crushed in his hands.