[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil][@Arty Fox] Ello ello, all. I am seeing some interesting bits of insight, some is accurate and some is ...less so... [i]but all are valid and part of the D&D experience![/i] If you're reading this, it means that the Update has been Updated, as fits my heathen proclivities. But getting to the story at hand: What we've got now is a bit of a wrap-up. There are loose ends to tie up, things to get identified, rests to take, and people to check in on. To this end, if you all would, please discuss what you want to get done (that your characters can accomplish) or any other things that you want to look into. Splitting the party isn't out of the question, but just because the trees are thinning it doesn't mean you're out of the woods. Character to character discussion isn't out of the question, as always, and in fact might be beneficial in the short and/or long run. So please, discuss among yourselves in our Discord, hit me up for rolls and/or judgements, and let's get to some of these loose ends as expediently as possible, that we may proceed to the scene Epilogue and the horrifying, eye-puncturing setup for what comes next. When this arc comes closer to conclusion, I have things to distribute. Thanks!