[hider=Trainer][center][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2181/1c695ec92e3ead8dcef85ea2782bd69ab6707e43.png?2272824[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Sophie Sutwill [b]Appearance:[/b] A petite, slim girl easily mistaken for younger then she is in reality. Sophie's white hair is striking for her young age, and her pale skintone makes it clear that she doesn't often stay out in the sun very long. Outwardly, she doesn't seem to be especially unhealthy, but at times her breathing becomes difficult and she has to stop and rest. [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] A polite and friendly, upbeat girl who never fails to find a reason to enjoy herself. However, perhaps in part due to her sheltered upbringing, she is something of an eccentric who doesn't always grasp appropriate behavior in a social setting or around others. Still, it's clear that Sophie is someone who swears by the motto of 'Live life to the fullest'. This is especially clear when it comes to her favorite subjects. Sophie is fascinated by the natural world and the Pokemon that dwell within it, but her most cherished subject is Pokemon that no longer naturally dwell within it. Indeed, Sophie has a passion for Pokemon paleoecology, having spent much of her childhood reading all sorts of books and research material on the topic. Having absorbed a considerable amount of knowledge by spending her days in such a manner, Sophie never hesitates to seize the opportunity to educate others on the topic as well. With great enthusiasm. No matter the situation. Sophie can go on for quite some time about the ecology of prehistoric Pokemon, the adaptatons they exhibited that allowed them to thrive in the ancient world, and theories on undiscovered prehistoric Pokemon. Naturally, she desires to build an entire team filled with fossil Pokemon and take them travelling across the world with her. She approaches battle with the idea that it's a brilliant way to show off just how amazing the past and the Pokemon within it were. [b]Hometown:[/b] Mireth [b]Background:[/b] Sophie was born a very sickly girl. For much of her childhood, it wasn't certain if she'd live to see her teenage years. She spent much of her time in and out of hospitals, and staying at home due to her sickly nature. It was for this reason that much of her time was spent reading various books a friend of her father brought over. The friend, a young scientist working with fossil Pokemon, was quite happy to lend her whatever she liked, and so Sophie's passion for prehistoric Pokemon and the world they inhabited began to grow. Steadily, her health improved as well. She would never be fully healthy, but as time went on it became clear that she was likely to live far longer then originally believed. Still, it was only natural her parents were cautious. While Sophie's body was weak, and always would be, it was clear this was not the case for her mind, and she excelled in her education(especially when the topic lent itself towards fossil Pokemon). She had to beg her parents to allow her to work for Professor Camphor, but eventually they relented as long as it was ensured she would never be without someone who was capable of taking her to the nearest hospital or providing her with medical aid themselves, in addition to ensuring all her medication is kept with her. Perhaps her time spent in and out of hospitals, wondering if she'd live to see the next year, is the core of the enthusiasm she feels for her life today. [b]Kind of Pokémon you like:[/b] Fossil Pokemon, naturally. Though if she had to pick, sturdy and powerful ones are the best. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] To educate the world about Fossil Pokemon, and show off how amazing they are. That's Sophie's deepest aspiration. [b]Items:[/b] 1x Potion [b]Pokédollars:[/b] 1000p[/hider] [hider=Pokemon][b]Species:[/b] Tyrunt [b]Appearance:[/b] A somewhat redder coloration then the average Tyrunt, giving her an almost rusty appearance. [b]Level:[/b] 5 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Type:[/b] Rock/Dragon [b]Ability:[/b] Strong Jaw [b]Moves:[/b] Tackle, Tail Whip, Roar, Rock Polish [b]Personality and Nature:[/b] A feisty, rambunctious little Pokemon who tends to bite things to try and learn more about them. Possesses something of a smug aura, as if fully aware of what she will become one day. Can be uncooperative if she thinks she knows better, but ultimately [i]does[/i] want to please her trainer and isn't unaffectionate. Think of her something like a haughty, self-assured princess. Who can bite through a car. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] To show off how amazing she is, eat a lot of things that taste good, and be admired. [b]Held Item:[/b]N/A[/hider]