[center][h3]Saitama Prefecture — Western Front[/h3][/center] As it began to soar away from the two enemies in it's sights, the avian Warped soon found itself having to contend with one more issue. As it turned out, the target it had [i]assumed[/i] was grounded had some way to meet with it in the air. That alone would have been enough cause for it to have to recalculate the method by which it went about it's assault, but the speed at which she was approaching meant that there was little proper recourse to be had. Though it [i]had[/i] ascended three quarters of the way back up into the sky from where it had been brought low initially, having an unexpected variable close the distance between it and the ground—much less landing a [i]proper[/i] hit to it—meant that there was little else the Warped could do but try and mitigate the damage. If the enemy was moving in a straight line, then all it could do was try and turn so that the blow would maybe clip it's wings at best. All the while, of course, it attempted to swerve about to try and return fire with a laser blast of it's own. The beam that had been charging was not yet at full power, granted, but given the rapid approach of the other more aerially-inclined enemy, the only goal it had now was to deal as much damage as it could before what looked to be an inevitable death. [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze] [hr] In spite of the losses they had incurred, the weasel-form Warped seemed to be less agitated than expected—apparent inherent responses to pain aside, at least. Their injuries were by no means insignificant; losing a chunk of face was one thing, but an entire [i]arm[/i] was another. The one unfortunate enough to have lost the latter quickly let out an odd cry—something between a screech and a howl—before attempting to retreat. The other seemed to move in turn, acting to bar the path so that it's companion, injured as it was, could move away from the battlefield. Given the general logic by which the Warped seemed to operate on, though, that would have been rather strange. Any attempts at pursuit, though, would be met with fierce resistance from the sole Warped in front of Rozaliya. Now that it had been given a chance to be made aware of what her abilities were, the monster seemed to be attempting to leverage the distance between it and her. If it could not properly meet her in a head-on clash, then it only made sense to slash and stab at a range beyond hers before retreating to safety. If she chose to break away in pursuit of it's partner, though, it would be a simple enough matter to cleave at an exposed back to force attention back on itself (if not something notably more lethal). [@King Cosmos]