Quinn took a long, deep breath, staring up at the perfect night sky that hovered above them. The faraway Hovvi moved with a dreamy blur, and her heart squeezed with what in the waking world might be pain, as vague, scattered memories of a sunny day months back passed behind her eye. But the memories were quiet, and the pain was eclipsed; not only by the deadening effect of the dream, but by her own pride alongside [color=black]Quinnlash's.[/color] And her each word rang true: Quinn nodded and stretched, taking another deep breath. "[color=ffe63d]Yeah.[/color]. Her voice was quiet and warm, and she looked down on the little her with a smile that was gentle, but no less happy. "[color=ffe63d]Yeah, we did it.[/color]" They'd done it. They really had. They had lived up to what it meant to be [i]Ablaze[/i]. Screw all the people telling her that she'd done something wrong by crediting someone with saving her life. The same people had told her to either kill Roaki outright, or leave her for dead. Sure, Axan Dane was a Euseran, and from what she'd seen, the [i]Euseran Reputation[/i] was well-earned. But as far as Quinn could tell, Axan had dropped into danger, saved her life, and asked for nothing in return. Plus, she also didn't like dueling, it seemed, and in Quinn's book? That was a win right there. She stood from her seat, ambling over to the cooler and pulling out a pouch of melonberry juice. Popping the straw in, she took a long drink, and the nostalgia and memory of that day that felt so long ago--the [i]good[/i] parts--filled her up like nothing else. Looking up at the stars again, she smiled softly. "[color=ffe63d]It's so beautiful.[/color]"