[h3]Cecilia Feilding[/h3] [hr] Unfortunately for Cecilia, not hearing anything didn’t mean that there wasn’t anything there. As she quickly found out, together with Aria and Da’Niyah, they were not actually alone in this forest. The silver-haired woman was only starting to get her bearings on her environment, and get a grip on what she was wearing when the weird beast rat creatures showed up! Ironically, it was the clearly fantastical, strange beasts that showed up that made things fully click for Cecilia. This was clearly some two-bit, incompetent light novelist’s ill-conceived isekai world. Likely an exceptionally stupid one, given how obnoxious that fake-god was. After all, there were some books published to real print that were really stretching the boundaries of being fit to print. Really, anything that got horny teenagers to buy a copy was pretty much good to go these days, even if it was stupid. As stupid as putting… her… in a… skimpy… bikini. Goddammit. There was a theory that any story or world ever written or conceived of existed in the multiverse, somewhere. Cecilia was quite sure she had just confirmed it. Well, if she was now in a shitty isekai novel’s world, then it was likely she had a power of some sort. Given the way she had read that message from earlier, it was certainly associated with the bloody bikini, and a bit of introspection confirmed it… …How the hell did this thing provide so much protection? She wasn’t going to question it. Certainly not, when the rat things were suddenly charging her and the other girls with weapons! But Cecilia was pretty sure she could tank it. It was just a bit of wood, after all, and she had a forcefield thing. She decided she wasn’t going to go by feel, though, and quickly drew the longsword that had also been at her side. She dearly hoped that the stupid costume gave her the intuition on how to use it, but she raised it nonetheless to fight the equally silly rat thing.