[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [H3]Suoh ~ Beacon Mental Hospital[/h3] [@Lugubrious] Painwheel | [@DracoLunaris] Midna [b]Word Count:[/b] 466 [b]Level 7 Roxas:[/b] 2/70 [b]Exp:[/b] +1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 3/70[/center] Everything turned to chaos all at once. The people Roxas and his group followed turned out to be Dexio and Sina. And then they turned out to be under someone else's control as they attempted to eliminate everyone in the basement laboratory. And that was about when Roxas became lost as far as who was doing what down here. He had no clue whatsoever who Brain Drain and Painwheel were. Really the only thing that the Keybearer [i]did[/i] understand was that Painwheel was fighting Midna, Sina was targeting Luka, and that Sakura was going after Dexio. That would just have to be enough information to go on for the time being. Roxas didn't want to stand around in confusion any longer than he already had. So when he noticed that Pit ran off to help Luka and that Gemma was backing up Sakura, Roxas finally had an idea of where to go. Though delayed, he at last sprang into action and ran in the direction of where Midna was holding off Painwheel. Just in time to see her fire some darts from her arm and then seemingly dash between them at high speeds. Roxas wouldn't be able to get there in time to help stop the assault entirely, but when he did get there he joined the fray in the only way he thought would be of use at the moment. [color=Gold]"Thunder!"[/color] cried the Keybearer, thrusting on his weapons upward and calling forth a downpour of lightning bolts around himself and Midna as soon as he put himself in front of her. The Thundaga spell would at least act as a makeshift defensive barrier against Painwheel's dash attacks, and give Roxas just enough of a chance to follow that up with a second spell, [color=Gold]"Heal!"[/color] he cast the Curaga spell in order to undo whatever amount of damage the Twilight Princess had endured so far. Roxas then dispelled one of his Keyblades and used his newly freed hand to call out his recently-acquired Striker. Burn Rooster appeared in a fiery flare and immediately used his powerful legs to launch himself into the air. The Reploid propelled himself into a fiery dive kick aimed for Painwheel. Even if she dodged him, the Reploid would simply kick himself off the wall and aim for her again until either his attack managed to hit her until he landed back onto the ground. [color=Gold]"Did I mention that I have no idea what's going on here?"[/color] Roxas relayed to Midna, [color=Gold]"Did these people have anything to do with Peach or something?"[/color]