[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TEvPZje.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/OgAxSZT.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Erik ([@EpicRoleplay]).[right][b][code]Moss Motel.[/code][/b][/right][hr] Letting out a quiet swear in German, Jasmine jolted, feeling stupid for not specifying that she wanted to [i]discretely[/i] enter the motel room. Well, can't do anything about that now, and it didn't seem like there was much of an option. A loud boom rang through the motel, and thankfully it was pretty much empty out here so nobody saw. A quick scan of the area also showed there were no cameras (at least, not any that Jasmine could see). That said, she was [i]not[/i] going to dilly dally - they needed to see what they could find and get the [i]hell[/i] out before the sheriffs showed up. [color=saddlebrown]"Thank you,"[/color] Jasmine sounded a bit more sarcastic than she originally planned on - having to suppress the urge to roll her eyes long enough for her to be out of Erik's field of vision. That said, Jasmine quickly moved into the room, gesturing for Erik to follow behind, and closed the door before any of these inbreds came to investigate. A flick of the light switch illuminated the dark room and Jasmine's first sight [url=https://i.imgur.com/r85Gr06.jpg]was a bed and a giant pegboard on the wall[/url]. The room was [i]tiny[/i], far too small to fit five girls comfortably, and they had to improvise by having sleeping bags on the floor with luggage posted right next to them. The bed had blocked the peg board, and the scratch marks on the floor implied that they literally had to push the bed back and forth. It was obvious that the girls had settled into here... the first thing that came to Jasmine was to investigate the pegboard. She quickly moved over to the bed, dropped her weight, and pushed it out of the way. Getting a closer look at the pegboard, it was [i]covered[/i] in various photos of places of note. It had pictures of [i]each[/i] member of the Black Family, with a photo of Mary Louise with red circles marked around her face with a sharpie or something. Someone had awkwardly written ([color=ed1c24][b][i]'The Head Honcho - avoid at all costs.'[/i][/b][/color]) on it and Jasmine thought that was curious. The only other two things that had a red circle were a picture of an abandoned mine ([b][color=ed1c24][i]'Some type of ritual took place deep in the mines before everything went to shit. May have a connection to Eleanor Black.'[/i][/color][/b]), and a picture of a mansion ([color=ed1c24][b][i]'The old Black manor; Mary-Louise is afraid of this place. The Black Siblings hide here to get away from her. There's apparently SOMETHING here that the Black Family hides.'[/i][/b][/color]). [color=saddlebrown]"So, what can you-"[/color] Jasmine started off as she turned towards Erik... and behind him, she saw [i]her[/i]. [url=https://i.imgur.com/JY0Jf6G.jpg]It was a ghost-like entity that just stood there behind Erik,[/url] definitely the one that she caught a glimpse of before it faded away. Jasmine jumped, letting out a scream, as the entity disappeared - if Erik was fast enough, he could possibly get a look at it. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K8f1fGj.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/7Zopqau.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/fiZp2Yv.png[/img][h1]Odessa Maxwell[/h1] [/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Charlie ([@FernStone]), "Carl" ([@Zombiedude101]), & Odessa Maxwell. [right][b][code]Sybil A. Harkness MD.[/code][/b][/right][hr] When Clayton grabbed onto Odessa, he would find that she was cold as a corpse. There was a strange sensation in her flesh, that felt utterly [i]inhuman[/i]. [quote=Clayton][b]"You can't be telling people they're gonna die, I mean how do you even [i]know[/i] about all this, huh?"[/b][/quote][quote=Charlie][color=MediumSlateBlue]”Yeah, how do you know? ”Especially since you ‘don't know’ Eleanor Black. So far you’ve just talked in circles without actually saying anything.”[/color][/quote] "You mistake what I said," Odessa answered with a smile on her face and stared Clayton directly in the eye, "You're likely going to die if you [i]stay here.[/i] Which is why I am [i]telling[/i] you to leave, for your own safety. You're not prepared for anything here. I don't want anyone else getting in the way of my own investigation into Eleanor Black, and more importantly, I don't want anyone [i]else[/i] dying. Because all of you are [i]beautiful[/i]." However, afterward, Odessa shrugged and her smile went completely flat. "But, you're not going to believe me when I say this, but magic? It's real. So are monsters and ghosts and other nasty things. Your fearless leader clearly has magic herself. I wooooould elaborate buuuuuuut... I can tell by the looks on your faces that you think I'm crazy! But, you all will find out on your own soon enough. Just uhhhhh... if you see a deer with flayed skin: [i]run.[/i] If you see a tree with a talking skull on it: [i]run.[/i] If you see a skeleton in a robe with a gold necklace: run. If you see a green werewolf... you're probably [i]already[/i] dead. And whatever you do, stay out of the swamp - [i]especially[/i] at night. I'll be around!" With that, she wrestled her way out of Clayton's grip and just skipped away, and all Lily could do was incredulously stand there. She jabbed a thumb in the direction Odessa went. [color=Mediumorchid]"... What the fuck was that?"[/color] Lily said, as Odessa eventually disappeared. That was... something else. Magic? Real? Bitch thought they were stupid or something... though, something wrung true with Lily. She couldn't help but think back to that incident with her ex-boyfriend where all autonomy of her body was lifted from her. She didn't like to think about it, so she just pushed those thoughts to the back of her head and pretended that never happened. Keeping that particular incident to herself she just shook her head and said, [color=Mediumorchid]"... Let's get a move on. Remember: we're going with the heatstroke story."[/color] With that, Lily walked over to the esteemed office of Dr. Harkness and held the door open for the others... she didn't expect the woman to be any more than extremely busy but maybe she could spare a few minutes entertaining the group. Though, sending two black people and a Latina to meet someone who was probably a racist redneck with a degree was [i]not[/i] the wisest decision but the white people were a little bit too eager to go to the swamp. Stepping inside, the office was obviously a house that was haphazardly converted into a Doctor's office... they walked into the living room, there were stairs above and she could peek into the bathroom which had a shower and tub and everything! However, right across from them was the receptionist... and Lily walked over and said, [color=Mediumorchid]"Hiiiiiii, mami, is Dr. Harkness available?[/color] "She's in the middle of someone's check-up, is this an emergency?" [color=Mediumorchid]"Ummm... Mami over here... she hasn't been feeling too good?[/color] She gestured over to Charlie, and looked at her... as if it was her cue to start acting like she was about to drop dead or something so Sybil would see them immediately. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GlZ3O3G.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Eugene ([@Drag]).[right][b][code]Quintin Market ---> Towards the Swamps.[/code][/b][/right][hr] As the two walked towards the swamp they caught a particular sight... a man and a woman. Definitely not from around Quintin, looking around like they're looking for something. Genesis just had to point it out, however. "Look, outsiders, think they're look-" "Genesis, keep it down!" Cody responded.