[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/r2itte7aOCA87Qe_HJQ1HJURiOU_kieobJULdwLDpcI/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230826/a78a86f5a50c3a99c699a2ed459c21e8.png[/img][/center] [b][color=c2c1ea]Interactions:[/color][/b] Yoko [hr] Well, that got weird. The stick girl seemed less than grateful for Selena's intervention, and she didn't have time to ask about the weird eldritch snake-looking abomination following the blue haired girl who rolled up before Stick Girl grabbed her wrist and dragged Selena away. Was that some sort of robot? What the fuck is a [i]Necroid?[/i] That girl must've been some sort of tech Nomad, she saw a few of them on the way here- Some had robotic suits, others had weapons and even a flying creature or two. So the jagged snake thing wasn't the weirdest thing Selena had seen today. Alas, that girl seemed a little... Annoying, so Selena was grateful for the excuse to leave. Once they were alone, Selena turned her attention to Yoko. [color=c2c1ea]"What was [i]that[/i] all about?"[/color] The man's appearance was off-putting too- Almost like he was a robot himself like that construct the blue girl had. [color=c2c1ea]"Why was that man holding you by a stick?"[/color]