[color=8882be][b][h3] Alrune [/h3] [/b][/color] [b]"How goes the reprogramming? I want results soon. Despite my vast patience, I am beginning to think you are stalling on purpose."[/b] The blue-green haired woman said to her underling. [b]"No ma'am! It's just that we want to make sure that the subject will not relapse."[/b] The underling quickly replied and showed a notepad with statistics and brainwave patterns. [b]"It is not a long term investment, it's a tool meant to be used and later discarded once it has served it's uses. Now sedate and gear it up. I want it fully functional upon my return while the memory of what has happened to my husband remain in everyone's hearts..."[/b] The woman smirked and then turned around and began to walk to her news conference. The Rhean TV-channels would broadcast news of a murder in the city, and a few blurry images of the suspects taken from the vehicles. Not enough to identify them however. But Alrune's picture is put on the news. [b]"We appologize for interupting our current broadcast..."[/b] The news anchor began, then began spitting details of the area of the murder and who the victim were. Including pictures of said doctor. [b]"The victim is Dr Jargan Plagerzes, who is known throughout Rhea for his breakthroughs in technology and scientific studies. He was also a council member of the Old Faith Collective, a group who worship humankinds achievements without paying tribute to any of the gods. The good doctor was assassinated when a group of gifted broke into a rented locale of the former. One person has been apprehended suspected of partaking in the crime. It is currently unknown what the motive of the killing is, but with us today is Dr Plagerzes wife."[/b] The anchor would explain and motion to her side. A blue-green haired woman all dressed in black would dry her eyes with a napkin. [b]"Mrs Plagerzes, we appreciate that you are with us here today, we understand this must be a very hard thing to do and incredibly emotional. But you are welcome, please can you tell us anything about your husband?"[/b] The news anchor offered her condolences. [b]"Thank you."[/b] Mrs Plagerzes said as she then began to spin a dramatic and emotionally sounding tale of what a great man her husband were, and that she suspects his killers may have been individuals gifted by the gods. Likely a hate crime. [color=fff200][i]Some time later... In the hidden facility. [/i][/color] [b]"How was my performance? The stage is set for the next act. Go ahead, send in the lowlife we captured several weeks ago into the containment field. He is useless to us. I want to see my new toy get to work."[/b] Mrs Plagerzes took hold of her wine glass and curled her purple lipsticked lips. [b]"Yes ma'am! Sending in test subject 993. What shall we call the new boy? 994?"[/b] The male underling asked as he stood by the controls overlooking the magical proof consoles and windows into what almost looked like an arena. [b]"He is not a boy. He is a monster. A disgusting little monster which shall do something for us. I know the perfect name... let's drag the prime example of everything wrong with Rhea into view. His name is now Laurel. He should be honored to serve such a noble goal despite the illness in him."[/b] Mrs Plagerzes grinned widely in a sadistic manner, motioning for the underling to open the other hatch to let Alrune... no... Laurel into the room." The large arena had many speakers covered over it, which Mrs Plagerzes would use to speak to those into the arena. [b]"Welcome to judgement day, little criminal."[/b] She addressed subject 993 who seemed to be a young man around the age of 18, he immediately began to attempt to throw fireballs at the windows to no effect. [b]"Such a lack of respect for your betters insignificant thing. This man is a criminal to the Rhea, he deserves to be punished by death. Eliminate him and repent. Laurel~."[/b] Mrs Plagerzes said the last line with such pleasure it almost could be mistaken that she was having the best cake in the world. Alrune opened his eyes, his outfit seemed to be a tight fitting black attire with armor at a few select places, there were a pair of visors attached to what could only be described as a big headband which also enclosed his own ears slightly. He could hear the voices into the headphones. [b]"Destroy the target. Eliminate. Repent."[/b] It was a monotone robotic voice in his head. He looked down on his hands, where were he? Who were he? Who was the person in front of him? He tried hard to think, but it was painful. The headset would give off a little shock when he tried. Alrune shook his head slightly. [color=8882be][b]"Who... who am... who are you? Must... kill or be killed..."[/b][/color] The boy tightened his hands into fists, he felt empowered. Strong. He liked the feeling. He could hear something which had some familiarity to it. It wasn't voices. It was music. It made his body instinctively move forwards, his head and arms twitched slightly, electric current running through his body. His eyes set on the man ahead of him. When he saw the man, he heard the command in his ears again. This man was a criminal... he had to die. Right? Alrune darted forwards, dodging two incoming fireballs hurled by subject 993. Then with a thundering smash the boy slammed into the man's chest, hurling him into the nearby wall. The surging feeling of power was overwhelming Al's senses, this feeling it felt good. And he felt no pain. He looked at his hands again how his fingers were twitching almost as if he had been fed alot of medication... or something worse. But such thoughts were not reaching his mind now, nothing were but the feeling of power and lust to... kill? Al walked slowly over to the man, placing the tip of his boot under the man's chin, lifting his gaze up to meet Al's gaze through the purple visors. [color=8882be][b]"You poor thing... I'll help you..."[/b][/color] A wide grin began to form on the boy's face as he raised his hand and then used it to stab the man through the heart while giving off a shock of electricity. Al began to softly chuckle before bursting out into laughter. [color=8882be][b]"Heh...heheh.... ahahahahah! Ahahah! Ahh... red... it's so beautiful... hnn..hnn.. I feel great."[/b][/color] The boy reached up his gloved hand to his face, looking at the bloodied fingers as he took a lick. [color=8882be][b]"That's all? You aren't breathing anymore? What a shame.."[/b][/color] He threw what remained of the man's body down to the floor. [b]"Ma'am... this boy... is a..."[/b] The underling outside the chamber began to voice his concerns to Mrs Plagerzes. [b]"He's perfect. For the task. This little monster shall prove once and for all that their ilk are too dangerous and must be euthanised."[/b] The woman grinned and then took hold of her microphone. [b]"Well done Laurel. Mission complete. You have punished the criminal. Soon you will be having more criminals to punish. Remember that all who wield those powers as this one did are an enemy."[/b] She smirked and looked into the chamber, a sense of pride at seeing what her people having accomplished. [color=8882be][b]"Al... Lau... Alaur... Laurel?"[/b][/color] The boy pondered briefly on the name. Was this his name? It did sound familiar. It had to be it. [color=8882be][b]"I feel amazing... where is the next one?"[/b][/color] He said in a monotone kind of manner and the voice in the headset gave him the answer. [b]"I will show you."[/b] The woman's voice replied. [color=fff200][i]Elsewhere...[/i][/color] [color=7bcdc8][b][H3] Suzakura [/h3][/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8][b]"Ahh shit... Why did Silly Celly had to go all out holy hells crazy like that? Damn is this bone dislocated? Not again. Oh well... at least I have all the gain and no pain!"[/b][/color] Suzakura allowed his body to readjust from the fight with Cel, which had ended with a draw in Cel leaving, having better things to do apparently. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Damn I need a drink. Oh hey!"[/b][/color] Suzakura eyed a young man with glasses walking out of a coffee shop with a hot coffe cup. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Thanks buddy! Gotta love free shit!"[/b][/color] The greenhaired young man said as he relieved the boy of his drink and took a sip. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Not bad. Catch you later!" [/b][/color] [b]"Hey! That was my coff- Hey!"[/b] The boy yelled after him, but it soon became part of the sounds of the city. On his way down the street he couldn't help but notice a pink haired girl with cat ears passing right in front of him. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Damn. Nice piece of hoochie ass!"[/b][/color] He allowed himself a whistle before brushing off his shirt, closing his eyes as he introduced himself. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Suzakura, single, sharp and strong. How could the choice ever be wrong? Eh? EH?!"[/b][/color] He opened his eyes to the sudden realization that the girl he had just seen had vanished as if up into thin air. [color=7bcdc8][b]"That's definitely not cool. Like this coffee. Damn it could use some more sugar or milk. Speaking of which, where is my bestest bovine babe?"[/b][/color] He took a sip as he passed past an electronics store, throwing a glance to the TV in the viewing window. It was his father on the screen being advertised as dead. It was with the speed of a fire hose that the coffee came back up and went into the face of a nerdy looking boy standing next to him. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Holy hells! Someone fucking killed my dad!"[/b][/color] He blinked for a few moments looking at the screen as if trying to cope with the new reality, he realized it was true once he saw his mother on the screen aswell. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Allright!"[/b][/color] He tightened his hand into a fist and raised it in a cheering manner. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Someone earnt themselves some serious brownie points for doing my dad in and it wasn't even my mom. Does this mean I am extra orphaned? I gotta find Chinami and talk about it. I wonder how her parents are like. I gotta find out. Where the hell does her.. hey wait a sec? I wonder if Chinaminamnam's got a Chinamidamdam mom..."[/b][/color]