[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7UxgEHd.png[/img][/center] [b]Interactions:[/b] Auri, Justin [@Punished GN][right][b][code]World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Bar.[/code][/b][/right] [hr][hr] Jill shrugged and frowned when Auri asked if Aaron was still around. [color=LightSeaGreen]“I think he went through a portal?”[/color] She mumbled. She supposed he could be here somewhere. She didn’t know what Auri meant by intuition, though. [i]Her[/i] intuition told her that he was telling the truth, anyway. Maybe Auri had some kind of magic? [hr] Jill listened intently as the stranger gave his rundown on the stone’s defenses. She wasn’t sure about the guy’s vibes initially, but she perked up when he mentioned he used to be with MAVERICK. She had a lot of respect for the organization, and figured she probably would have ended up there if she wasn’t on a fast track towards SHINING from such a young age. The young Rider shook Justin’s hand with enthusiasm, clearly delighted to see and feel such advanced cybernetics, but she knew better than to ask about them right out of the gate… She was too fascinated to avoid staring for a few moments too long, though. [color=LightSeaGreen]“Jill Breicen!”[/color] She smiled. [color=LightSeaGreen]“Current Justice Rider.”[/color] She looked between the two of them, pretty pleased with this coalition. [color=LightSeaGreen]“So,”[/color] Jill started counting everything in her head. [color=LightSeaGreen]“We’ve got all that security, the three of us, I just told Izzy to keep an eye out earlier, too… What would ya say our chances are, Auri? You think we can take him?”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DhO9jwL.png[/img][/center] [b]Interactions:[/b] ???[@KremeSupreme][right][b][code]World Fighting Carnival - Maintenance Room.[/code][/b][/right] [hr][hr] Isabella only shot the man a casual glance as he lit up a cigarette and listened to the woman give him Horizon’s side of the intel, holding it aside as he leaned in to get a good look at the monitor. He was surprised at how well the exchange of information was going, at least. There were few things more frustrating than when they decided to clam up. He definitely agreed that this guy was seedy, the outfit alone was a dead giveaway. But still, he didn’t look like he was the kind of threat that could take the stone and run off. At least, not by himself… [color=Silver]“Got it.”[/color] The half-devil said.[color=Silver]“I’ll stick close to him when I can. Gonna get the plane dusted off too. Got a bad feeling about this one-”[/color] [b]*CLICK!*[/b] Isabella’s hair started to stand on end again as SYM-24 walked by. He stood silently, staring the false Rider down with an unflinching look of well-mixed irritation and interest. There was a grudging respect for this creature growing as he realized that it could feel. Or more precisely, that it could hate. [quote]"I think he likes you,"[/quote] Motion resumed the moment the door slammed shut. Isabella took a drag from his cigarette and let out a long deep breath before turning back to the man. [color=Silver]“Probably recognizes another dog with a longer leash.”[/color] He said cynically. He turned to leave. [color=Silver]“I have to wonder what you all put in that thing. Can’t tell if you know the answer, or we’re all about to find out the hard way.”[/color] And with that, he disappeared again.