[b]Welcome to my dumpster fire set of 1x1 requests of partnership. Been thinking long and hard about some 18+, Mature roleplay mashups and creations. Haha. So I am definitely seeking out a FxM roleplay, and hope I can land anyone even a little interested. I myself am not up to speed with a lot of the newest anime out there or games that have come out but I assure you I can still be interesting for a long term RP partner. *interests* Fantasy, Mature, 18+, Older anime (such as Inuyasha, Trigun, Samuari Champloo, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop....) Modern lifestyle, Drama, Romance, Spicey, Furry, SciFi, Action, Thriller. Well that's a whole lot, I hope it doesn't scare anyone off with such a wide selection. But I once again I assure you, it won't be boring. I can post 1-2 paragraphs per post, be online daily to make sure a reply is sent. I also have a confession that I do not play canon characters, I'm all OC because it let's my creative side out. If you're the lucky winner in this raffel prize that has chosen to obligate me with you're inquisitiveness, send me a PM so we shall get the party started! [/b]