Alright. Reserving an electricity based hero. I can't make my CS at the moment. Never mind. Name: Nate Cole Code name: Shocker Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Powers: Electrical Manipulation. The DNA splicing caused Nate to have an electrical charge in his body. He can use this to shoot it from his hands or store it to shock attackers. Sub Powers: Electro teleportation: He can turn into lightning and teleport to places. With in limits and not too far at the start. Electrical Enhanced Condition: He can use his electricity to make himself stronger or faster for a period of time. As he gets stronger so shall this. Electrical healing factor: Using his electricity he can heal wounds. It is not instant and requires a good deal of concentration and power. Growth: Electrical field. He eventually will be able to manipulate a large electrical field around him. Pulling power from more places and making him stronger. Right now he can only manipulate a small area. Weaknesses: Water. If his electricity hits water that connects somehow to himself then he would shock himself. That and rubber. He has normal weaknesses. Weapons: Gloves that allow him to channel his powers better. ((He does not have them early on. )) Bio: TBR Other: He plays the guitar ((Almost done. Anime or real for the appearance?))