[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] Yeah, it was fairly obvious to Polina that they had a deficit in intelligence for this mission. Whether or not that was a personal failing of her own, the maids, or something engineered by Havershel or another party, that was moot. This situation demanded a solution, now, but she didn’t have very many good options. With the tools she had, it was impossible for her to stop the lord. She supposed she had to eat some crow, there. Polina had been badmouthing the man verbally and in her thoughts for the better part of the day, after all. On the other hand, the maid was a demon, even if still a somewhat cute one. She felt more inclined to trust the cute axolotl demon maid on account of her dress, but she knew better. Not every demon was going to be like Eliz, as acerbic as she was. Polina grumbled, but decided it was better to communicate here. Information, she needed information. “If you have the time to badmouth the Maison, you have time to explain. Now.”