[center][h2][b]General Kvarr[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Kvarr hummed, glancing aside slightly in the direction of Shirik. “If I am being honest, I’ve had little time to familiarize myself with the civilians who have accompanied the Castigator in her camp. Obviously, the Iriad is an outsider to the Ascendancy. I…cannot help but to feel that there is something familiar about them, though. I may have read a tale or two about a being that would fit their description. Unfortunately, I haven’t spent too much time reading stories these last few decades, so I can’t say I remember them. They are certainly unique; I am curious how they can live imbued with flame.” There was not too much time for Kvarr nor Esedel to speculate. Those who had gone off after the Life mage soon returned, accompanied by the mage himself. Evidently, his malaise had been dealt with, and the Humans’ leader made it clear that she was ready to get to the meat of these negotiations. “Of course.” Kvarr answered Zey. “I am quite familiar with my counterpart here, and those she represents, but I am most curious to hear what your people would want.”