[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k7cxvHi.jpg[/img] [h2][color=e68845]Sylvia Copeland[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][center] Day 1 [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=e68845]Time:[/color] Night [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=e68845]Weather:[/color] Moderate Rain [color=734e66]◈[/color][color=e68845]Location:[/color] Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=e68845]Participants: [/color]Sylvia Copeland, Leah Eusebia Clearwater [@vietmyke], Anastasia Arslan [@Ti], Arthur Everwood [@Jumbus][/center][hr][hr] Before the Pupa's strike could land, a large hunk of metal bowled it over, manipulated by an unseen force - the wielder of which could only be one person. [color=e68845]"Leah!"[/color] Sylvia gave such a huge sigh of relief her ribs ached as an avalanche of steel plates crushed the creature. Sylvia didn't wait to check whether it was dead. She made to rise, but her wounded leg seared and buckled. She yelped as her body suddenly moved against her will, taking on a standing position, no doubt courtesy of Leah. [color=e68845]"Heh... Thanks. Looks like I'm down to eight lives."[/color] She gave a strained chuckle through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the pain, although a glance down revealed several deep angry wounds in her right ankle, matting her fur with blood. Leah hurtled her ahead, towards the hall, rather less than gently - not that Sylvia could blame her. [color=e68845]"But... Ana!"[/color] Panic spiked again as she remembered Ana's predicament. [color=e68845]"Ana got attacked!"[/color] Sylvia stared over her shoulder to see her wielding the chandelier like a battle hammer, the Pupa in a mangled heap on the floor. A relieved laugh bubbled through Sylvia. [color=e68845]"Impressive! You alright, Ana?"[/color] Pushing off of her good leg and taking to the air to ease the strain on her ankle, she darted into the hallway. A crumbling, crunching noise echoed through the place. She whirled round, watching Leah clench her fist, her psychic grasp tearing down chunks of stone. A glance around revealed everyone had made it through just in time, Arthur rolling across the floor and thudding to an awkward halt. [color=e68845]"Arthur! Are you ok?"[/color] The air mage simply grinned, thanking her and Leah. [color=e68845]"Ehh, can't say I really did much back there. It's Leah who saved us."[/color] Sylvia's gaze shifted from Arthur to the doorway, the last chunks of debris falling and sealing the entrance in a cloud of dust. Holding off the attackers - for now. [color=e68845]"Let's keep moving. Don't want to be a downer, but I wouldn't put it past the Pupa to try and dig through."[/color] She stuck by the other defenders, keeping her claws extended just in case.