[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/d30e0b3bcbb52e9e11cdc6a848a22602.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/2936919c1d8c36df6fb303c8579b3a49.png[/img][/centre] [@AWACS][@13org][@BigPapaBelial] Amanda was not feeling so well after the short fight, the punches the titan threw at her were not exactly bearable, as her systems blared warnings left and right. She’s built like a tank, and she knows it, so to have someone like that have so much magical energy it can bring errors into her internal systems is something to have a note about. She’s thankful for all the help she received as the rest of the team slowly rained fire at the thing, she has no idea what to do if she were to fight this thing alone. She’s also formulating a plan from Faye’s suggestion. It sounds pretty good, but she’s unsure about making such a request during a firefight. That concern, however, was slightly put to rest as Scarlett shot at the Titan with 50 caliber rounds, nowhere near enough to down it, but enough of an effort to make sure Amanda could safely retreat back to the 2nd floor, staggering her way as she climbed the stairs. Hopefully, she can call in the facility and bring in spare parts once this is over. Oh, golly does she need spare parts after the blows she received. [color=bbbbbb]“Micheal, whatever you do. I suggest you do it quickly, I’m currently making a request to the office for an emergency compound to restrain this thing. Hopefully, they’ll respond quickly and give me the-”[/color] She didn’t manage to finish her sentence as a blast of eldritch energy tore through the walls she was staggering through and almost killed her outright. It was only a split-second reaction from Amanda that saved her from being completely destroyed. The worst thing she experienced was a singe on the edge of her fingertips. “Motherfucker can fire shots too?!?” She complained, now getting incredibly desperate as the titan started looking for more targets to shoot its eldritch beam at. It was at that point that Amanda realized Faye was still in the courtyard, busy fighting the beast as the TItan’s attention was focused on a retreating Amanda, but now, her eyes started turning, rearing their sights on the British woman. [color=bbbbbb]“Fuck! Faye, get out of there now!!!”[/color] It was an act of desperation. But the android noticed some windows with a clear view of the courtyard, She broke it, and promptly threw her axe at the Titan. [color=bbbbbb]“Micheal! Do whatever it is you’re gonna do to the Titan now!”[/color] But it could be too late. The titan was ready to swing its fists towards Faye, and Amanda hoped that her thrown axe would travel fast enough to impale itself to the Titan. Hopefully bringing some time for Faye to escape, however thin that hope might be. [hr] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/edcf8803a1397607e7f2439f06c72910.png[/img][/centre] [@Martian][@King Cosmos] Madeleine only nodded to Morgana’s suggestions, although keeping the magic as generic as possible would be a little tricky. Sure her gun shoots pure bolts of mana, but her sword is a typical fire sword, a very powerful fire-imbued sword, but still just an elementally charged sword at the end of the day, she would need to be careful in how she would proceed with this if the situation turned south, which it would most likely happen. [color=aa35a0]“I’ll try to use the gun as frequently as possible, my sword is pretty obviously imbued with fire magic so a counterspell just because of my sword would be a bit of an issue wouldn’t it?”[/color] [color=aa35a0]“Just prepare an invisibility spell or something, both of you. I’ll do the hard work in case things go south.”[/color] Madeleine further commanded, promptly walking towards the cultist compound with Morgana and Xaviron tailing the demoness. As she reached the compound though, a weird feeling came across her, like a sort of internal red flag that allowed her to see where things might be going, and she had multiple red flags flaring up on her mind right now. The compound’s seemingly empty, there’s no one to greet her, and there’s no activity within the compound at all. Almost like it’s deserted… but that wouldn’t be possible. If they are moving then the team would be notified of movement, and there’s no notification in the last 5 hours indicating such a thing. [color=aa35a0]“Hmmmmmm. Strange.”[/color] The demon said, before the shield spell she cast on herself just before the fight activated, and it’s not even on something small. She noticed that someone cast a life-draining curse and if it weren’t for her shield, her life force would be sapped until she killed the spellcaster. A spellcaster she noted hiding in the window on the wooden cabin on the left side of the lodge. And a spellcaster that got shot in the head as Madeleine aimed her gun true and fired a magical bolt. [color=aa35a0]“Well, Morgana. Seems like your English witches did teach them curses after all.”[/color] Madeleine commented, slowly moving into the compound and shooting mages that tried to curse her left and right.