Description: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Apparel: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Demigod Form: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Name: Siianthaliae Axthrusia Vanb'Rianthei Age: Unknown Race: First Generation Salecian Gender: Female Alignment : True Neutral Nationality: None PoB: Unknown Rank: Windgracian Oracle of Revelation Academy: Unknown Skill Type: Vision Class: Zarvara Mount: Pegasus Mount's Name: Drei'kone Zeiban Interests: Nature, magic Favorite Interest: Psychic readings Dislikes: Mortals Love Interest: Mortals are too primitive to ever understand what would soar my heart skyward. Person of Interest: None Fiance/Spouse: Luhsein of the Eternal Dawn Bestfriend: Miiarvanthalu Rival: Kainade Most Hated Word: human Religion: Spiritualism Idol God: Stellvia, Goddess of Space-Time Holy Blood : Stellvia (Goddess of Space-Time) Minor/Major: Absolute Ancient Weapon: Emblem of Apoclapyse also known as the Sword of the Seventh Seal Broniac. Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Opposite: None Quote: Mortals are such loathsome creatures who destroy the natural beauty of any world. Important Value in Life: Nature Favorite Food: Seafood Household Name: Unknown Ancestry: Unknown Ambition: A world without the influence of mortals. Sin Guilty of Most: Pride Title: Stardust Scatterer Combat Style: Unknown Weapon Preference: Knuckles, Katanas and Swords Weapon Name: Kreovalan [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Weapon Name 2: Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi Magic Systems: Psyagonics, Glyph Magic, Atharva Element: Omni-elemental Weakness: Darkness Magical Level: S Special Skills: Unknown Personality: The destruction of natural beauty is a painful sting toward her heart. The only time she gets emotional or angry is when someone tries to destroy something she is trying to cherish and enjoy. This at times invokes her wrath which is released upon mortals. Her indignation is very strong where people cease trying to tease to avoid the agony they felt when she punished them for their ignorance. Most forms of technology do not appeal toward her interest, but Windgrace is an exception to that rule. She admires and has attracted her attention toward the idea of Magitek has helped revolutionize the Windgracian nation. Windgrace is one of the few capitals she finds very beautiful due to its scenic views. She is not one who trusts easily and it’s hard to decipher if she trusts you or not. It’s even more difficult to comprehend if she is even worthy of your trust though she has yet to show any signs of betrayal toward anyone. She listens to absolutely no one other than herself. If anyone tries to play her for a fool she will allow them to think that and then turn the tables on them making a mockery out of the person who dared to insult her intelligence. Her most renowned hobby is her psychic readings for those who ask for her services. Though she doesn’t show any enthusiasm, still doesn’t mean she didn’t appreciate your cooperation and patience while she performed and your smile of satisfaction afterward. She thanks all those who utilize her services properly by thanking them. Anyone else who tries to use her services for their own personal cause that results in slaughter she scares so they will open their eyes toward the truth of reality. She does not accept offerings or compensation in the form of currency. She thinks all it does is awakens the greed within the hearts of those who’ve been consumed saying that the very sin is what drives the world of man mad. She does not talk and is often very quiet. She is hardly cooperative since it’s her way or the highway. When people approach and try to get friendly with her she immediately lets them know by giving them the cold shoulder and demonstrating she has no interest in becoming friendly with mortals. When you try to ask questions she will not answer that is when she will start talking incoherently in the form of enigmas to challenge the mind. Biography: Siianthaliae is her real name though many people on Gaea haven’t realized what her real name is. Most people remember her other aliases such as Thali Aventhosai or the other names she has used in the past. Why it is so difficult for anyone to track who she really is due to the determinant that she has casually changed her name everytime to avoid from ever being noticed in history. As Thali Aventhosai alongside her sister Myra, she was able to thwart the resurrection of the evil known as Avernus and also helped seal it with various other people that were descendants of the Elian Crusaders. Most acknowledge her accomplishments as strategist when she easily tore the Guardian forces to pieces battle by battle with her cunning strategies. Due to this fact, she is considered to be one of the best renowned strategists in the history of Gaea. She has won wars for everyone she has served being nicknamed the Leonine. Even though she has lead many mortals toward victory and unifying their hearts only to be disappointed by the hypocrisy in their actions, her feelings for mortals has not changed where she will continue to hate them. Her reasons why are apparently unknown at this time. She won’t tell anyone why or give her reasons to why she feels that way. Her fortunetelling and psychic abilities make her one of the most dominant strategists in existence. She may even be more skilled in the art of strategy than even the Hawkeye Lucent, who is yet another famous strategist that suddenly vanished. She is now currently following around Meira’s group after leaving Windgrace at the sametime Meira did. Why she left Windgrace is not a question that can be answered. Even if people were to try to ask her the reasons for her incentives, she’d leave them confused with the many riddles in her words. Her appearance is mostly concealed so it’s really hard to tell what she really looks like. There may be a few distinguishing features about her that might stand out if someone actually knew her, but not enough to raise anyone’s eyebrows. When she isn’t following Meira or Ranathia around, she sometimes follows an Angelian by the name of Mithos around. She tends to also eavesdrop on Nathan without him ever noticing. Other times, she is either found staring at the clouds, meditating or reading her obscure tomes that are written in a language no one else can understand. This raises the question for those who have been around her asking themselves who is this woman and where did she come from? Because the way she dresses and the normal apparel she wears, are not a fabric that anyone within the continent of Holyoke wear. She leaves a trail of mystery in her wake everywhere she goes. Only one can guess what she is up to or who she really is. HP 370 - (5) + (20) = 385 EP 499 - (5) = 494 Str 61 - (5) + (9) = 65 Def 93 - (5) + (5) = 93 Mag 195 + (11) + (10) = 216 Int 187 + (11) + (8) = 206 Spd 151 Skl 89 + (3) = 92 Luk 61 + (11) + (13) = 85