It took me a while, but I've come up with the basis of what I would like this roleplay featured around. Yes I straight up mentioned before I want 18+ and to some that means one thing and another thing to others. In fact it's purely a maturity level because PG 13 is boring to a degree. [i]my girl is an outlaw, wanted for crimes she may or may not have committed, depending on whom you ask. Wanted from town to town the posters of her face plastered on every building, every post and bridge gate. - when will it end - Are you the companion to this roleplay going to be hunting her down? Will you gather petty emotions like the fleeting spring breeze as you get to know her sad story? Or will you be the unexpecting victim to something gut wrenching and make her face the crimes punishment? You can't just love or hate this woman, connect to her humanity and see if there's a chance to save her.[/i] Her name is purely Snow, or Yuki to be more accurate for time periods and such. Standing at a short/average height of 5'5" she has milky white skin that can be easily mistaken for the pale flesh of death. She has waist length blonde hair usually tied into two braids or lose. Black iris's like the night's darkest thought, and decorated with black eyeliner and pale red eyeshadow. Snow is slender, curve, and proportionally well busted. Dressed in a fishnet body stocking, paired with a red and black mid length kimono. Attached to her left hip is a single slender katana sheathed in what could only be described as coal and blood stained tragedy. Do you want to play?