[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] [b]"I'm [i]so very sorry[/i] for thinking to help you!"[/b] Iraleth snapped back at her newfound partner, her sword cleaving through two mannequins in one swing before she slammed her shield into another, sending it crashing into a nearby wall. The sudden appearance of a dozen more mannequins almost covered up the only important one: the mage. She cursed under her breath as the fireball shot out too quickly for her to intervene, the explosion masking what had actually happened to the other girl. Almost as bad was the sudden announcement that half their alloted time had elapsed. Already? Damnation. Iraleth's Ethos was draining her stamina slowly but surely. At the rate she was going, she'd likely be able to keep it manifested for the second half hour, but no more for the rest of the day. If she and the other students were fortunate, there would be no further trials from here on for the rest of the day. If they weren't...well, she'd power through. Ethos or no Ethos. First things first. That one had to go, no matter what. [b]"If you're still able to fight, I'm advancing."[/b] Iraleth called out behind her. [b]"Do as you will, if you so disdain my aid."[/b] With a mighty roar, Iraleth shrugged off the remaining mannequins mobbing her, shoving them aside to and fro before spreading her wings of light and dashing straight towards the caster. Her charge didn't stop as she ran it through on the Inheritor's oversized blade, continuing to glide through the plaza and beyond it even as she lifted her shield in her other hand to bash the magic mannequin off of her blade and to the side like roadkill. [@Sifr]