[center][h2][b]Pirates, Ahoy!:[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] [b]Synopsis:[/b] [i]"Do what you want, 'cuz a pirate lives free~!"[/i] Inspired, lured and driven by the romanticized tales of brave privateers on daring adventures throuughout the high seas, the age of pirates is one of ships, plunder and hedonism! In a world where the majority of the planet is made up out of water, dotted by countless islands, this is truly the ideal place for those who seek to sail and swashbuckle. Buried treasures, long lost temples of ancient cultures, foggy coves, adrenaline-fueled boarding battles, drunken feasts and buxom wenches, an endless supply of things to do, see and sample are just waiting out there! ... Along with the horrors of the deep, like monstrous plankton men, cthulu-esque monstrosities, sea monsters, ghost ships, the risen dead and, of course, the various navies of the 'civilized' world powers who seek to curb and stamp out any and all privateers they find. Add in the occasional run-in with ninjas, samurai, knights and vikings... Yes, this world sure has a varied and wild selection of inhabitants.. But what's a pirate's life without some dangers and supernatural complications? Nay, I say! Shrug off those doubts and set sail! [b]Plot:[/b] This roleplay will follow the exploits and deeds of [i]a certain[/i] pirate crew. From humble beginnings at some no-name port in the midst of nowhere, to the dizzying heights of being flush with gold, to the crippling lows of poverty and near death or worse. Each lad or lass has a dream to chase and a goal to fulfill, and the way they chose to reach that end is by becoming a part of this motley crew. There's no world-ending disaster that's imminent, no continent-shattering disaster to prevent and no grand, history-changing event to take part in and become the central figures of. This is a tale about selfish, greedy pirates, being selfish and greedy and living as the yplease. The story goes on until all their wants and needs be sated, or 'til they all end up in a watery grave. Avast, ye swabs! Adventure awaits! [b]Stuff & Things:[/b] This is an RP-idea inspired by things such as Sid Meier's Pirates, Pixel Piracy, Overboard (the old playstation game), Pirates of the Caribbean and other such piracy-media. As such, there will be a mix of things, ranging between silly, spooky, morbid, brutal, rule-of-cool-y and son and so forth. The general gist of the story will be that your character(s) join a pirate crew, led by a captain (controlled by me) and we go on seafaring adventures. Every player character will have a [i]dream[/i] or [i]goal[/i] that their character wants to accomplish, be it obtaining vast wealth, restoring their family's honor, avenging a dead lover/friend/family member, finding a long lost treasure, etc, etc. Basically, your goal is your own, and you'll have your chance at telling your character(s) story. But what happens when the entire crew has told their stories, achieved their goals and done what they set out to do? Well, then we either all retire and lvie happily ever after, or go the way of most pirates and enjoy a watery grave. Yarr! There's no set "end" to the story, other than if everyone ends up dead, or nobody has any further goals or ambitions to complete. The story goes until there's no interest in continuing it. Because of that, the RP can either be as long or as short as the players participating desires. I will say though, that while there will be silly and wacky stuff, this is going to also be a bit more visceral, bloody and violent - after all, it is a story about [b][i]pirates[/i][/b]. This doesn't mean its going to be splatter-movie-levels of guts and gore, but it'll definetely have scenes and moments with descriptive violence. So, if you're not into that sort of thing, this might not be for you. We're not going the One Piece-route where fights last for 2 hours and nobody dies, even after each side having been pummeled into what is essentially living pulp. People will be able to join the story pretty much at any time after it starts as well. As there'll always be a tavern, inn or shipwreck or little isolated island where you can have your character get picked up and made to join the crew. That said, there's going to be a limit on how many characters you can haave - which will be two. If you want to make another character after that, you'll need to [i]retire[/i] one of your current ones. Finally, the group is going to be set to be around 5 or 6 people, excluding myself. Those who post and show interest in this thread will have a space rserved for them if/once the actual OOC topic goes up. [b]F.A.Q.[/b] [i]Q: Who can we play as?[/i] A: Humans, elves, dwarves and some of the mammalian beastmen. [i]Q: How many characters can I have?[/i] A: Two, max. [i]Q: What anime/game/series is this based on and where does it take place?[/i] A: It's a combination of things, that take place in a completely original setting of my own creation. [i]Q: Can we add and make stuff up ourselves for the world?[/i] A: If you run it by me and I approve, sure. [i]Q: Will there be [b]RISQUE[/b] themes and stuff in the RP?[/i] A: There may be implied moments of such, but nothing descriptive or R18+. Any sexually explicit content will be relegated to PMs (if you know what's good for you). [i]Q: Can we play as a pirate captain with their own ship?[/i] A: No. You'll be part of a crew. At most, you'll get to be First Mate or hold some other such similar position. [i]Q: Can we mutiny and [b]then[/b] become captain?[/i] A: No. Feel free to try and see what happens though (Not really, you'll just waste a bunch of time. Don't do it). [i]Q: What will the RP's pace be like? Will there be a post-order?[/i] A: I will post a weekly update every Friday. You're free to talk/interact as much as you want with your fellow players, but if you take, make or respond to any actions involving the GM post, you can only do so once per update. Basically, you can talk and roleplay as much as you want with other players, but you can only do one actual 'story action' per week. [i]Q: Can we play as pirate-characters from other media?[/i] A: You [i][b]can[/b][/i]. I won't exactly be happy about you copy-pasta-ing an already existing canonical character from another setting into my story, but I won't stop you if that's what you want to do. I'd rather you didn't though. [i]Q: If I need to leave the RP or take time off, how do I go about it?[/i] A: You let me know in a PM or in the OOC, ahead of time. If you miss posting after I've done two updates in a row, you'll get to walk the plank. I realize that sometimes real life can spring stuff on you very suddenly, but try to get in touch with me asap if you're going to miss out on posting for a week or more. [b]Final Things:[/b] [list][*]Dwarves can't swim. Physically, its impossible for them to do so, without holding onto something. [*]Elves are physically weaker than humans, in terms of strength. [*]Only non-winged mammal-based beastmen are playable. So, things like werewolves, anime cat-girls, minotaurs, fauns, etc are all fine. Things like harpies, lizardmen, sirens, mermaids, snakemen or other such races are a no-go though. [*]There are guns, but not modern ones. As such, no things like assault rifles, SMGs, sniper rifles or any other modern, high-performance firearms. Stuff like muskets, flintlocks and the like is all you'll get. [*]Most of the world's surface consists of water. There are very few large, substantial landmasses. [*]The currency of the world consists of mostly silver or gold coins. [*]The (civilized) world still adheres to the concepts of royalty, nobility and socieal hierarchies.[/list] [hr] So, if there's anyone who might be interested in this thing, do let me know~