As soon as his lips touched the surface, Mike couldn't really help but feel ridiculous. Nothing happened, all he could feel was the cool surface of the mirror. Yes, this definitely was the most pathetic thing he'd tried in a while, Mike thought as he opened his eyes. Familiar green eyes stared back, amused that he'd even given this a try. He was glad he hadn't been stupid enough to get his hopes up. But as the boy went to pull away, he found his lips stuck on the mirrors surface. Amusement changed into surprise and then panic as he struggled away from the mirror. It didn't help. Instead, it felt himself sinking into the mirror. The more he struggled against it, the faster the mirror pulled him in. He fought it even harder, pushing his hands against the mirror, trying to pull away. Instead his hands sunk in as if the mirror was water. Mike wasn't certain how long he struggled. Time seemed to slow down, but at the same time everything happened too fast for the boy to react to it all. Soon he felt his hands hit something soft and much more organic than the bathroom mirror he'd tried to pull away from before. The rest of his body followed as the mirror spit him out. It took a while for the boy to sit up from the ground. Opening his eyes was even more difficult. Whatever this was, it wasn't normal. He didn't really even know what had happened. Warily, Mike opened his eyes, patting at he ground beneath him. At least it felt like normal ground. He stared at the brownish orange ground underneath him before finally lifting his head up. "Oh, no fucking way..." The first thing that caught his eye was the sky. Multiple moons riddled the sky, differing in size and shape. The color of the sky seemed to shift from purples to oranges and blues as he stared up. As Mike stood up, he glanced around. There fas a forest not too far away. The strange, oddly shaped trees shifted around, not truly following the movement of the slight breeze Mike could feel. On the opposite side of the forest he saw a bendy road disappearing behind the tall, bumpy rock formations that seemed to go on forever. Where the fuck was he supposed to go? This was insane. Mike pinched at the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his breathing as calm as he could. Was he supposed to find Rosie from here? He didn't even know where he was. Even if he did find his cousin, how was he supposed to get back? The mirror was nowhere to be seen. He let out a strangled chuckle. Great, now [i]he[/i] was the one asking questions he had no answers to. That wouldn't help anyone. Mike wasn't one for asking help from strangers, but he believed this counted as an emergency situation. So clearing his throat, Mike raised his voice. "Is there anyone out here?!"