[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TEvPZje.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/OgAxSZT.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Erik ([@EpicRoleplay]).[right][b][code]Moss Motel.[/code][/b][/right][hr] [quote=Erik] "What, no no. I don't think there was, listen Jasmine it's in our best interest to leave here. Something isn't adding up here, let's go meet up with the group.[/quote] "Yeah, let's, uh, go," That was a good idea, honestly. The last thing that Jasmine wanted to do was hang around in the ghost motel, so she just let Erik pull her away. They both went out the door, and, honestly, Jasmine had no clue where they were going, or where they go could go, only that they were getting the hell away from that damn motel. Jasmine let out a sigh of relief... ... Until she saw the blue and red lights cut on, and saw it was a nice little Crown Vic. Not just any Crown Vic... a Quintin Sheriff Crown Vic. "Hold it right there!" The Sheriff said as she rolled down the window. [color=saddlebrown][i]"Hell no!"[/i][/color] Jasmine shouted, as the first thing that came to mind was to sprint out of there. Thankfully, she is still in amazing shape and was able to bolt away like it was nothing. [color=saddlebrown][i]"Erik, split up!"[/i][/color] "Hey, get back here!" The Sheriff said as [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/6b0c5fec0f2a134cf86f4523a5a883a6/tumblr_p33qwg5lf51u22cq7o1_1280.jpg]she got out.[/url] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K8f1fGj.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/7Zopqau.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EJE6DMY.png[/img][h1]Sybil Harkness[/h1] [/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Charlie ([@FernStone]), "Carl" ([@Zombiedude101]), & Dr. Harkness. [right][b][code]Sybil A. Harkness MD.[/code][/b][/right][hr] The doctor remained stoney-faced as Clayton went on to explain who he was, then Dr. Harkness calmly and coldly responded with: "It's [i]great[/i] to meet you, but. Get. To. The. Point." Sybil just couldn't hide her irritation in her voice - even while trying to force herself to be polite. [color=Mediumorchid][i]Ah, damn, Mami's a tough one.[/i][/color] Lily thought to herself as Dr. Harkness almost [i]immediately[/i] saw through their bullshit, and requested that they just get to the point. Lily honestly had respect for and, unlike Charlie and Clayton, probably was more used to this kind of behavior (Because Lily was the same way!). Clayton was keeping up with the guise - even though it was obvious that Dr. Harkness wasn't having it. Lily remained quiet because Charlie spoke and she wanted to see what Dr. Harkness had to say about Charlie's dilemma. [quote=Charlie][color=MediumSlateBlue]”Aye, am not from around here,”[/color][/quote] "Honestly, I [i]couldn't[/i] tell," Dr. Harkness sarcastically said with a little chuckle. [quote=Charlie][color=MediumSlateBlue] “My mam’s from here, actually, that’s why am visiting this end of the world… Maybe you know her? You must know everybody. Mind if I ask some questions just, like, while we’re here.[/color][/quote] "Look, if this is what you came here for; you [i]didn't[/i] have to come up with that heat stroke story," Dr. Harkness started with a shrug, "You could have just came straight to me and asked, I'm not like the others in this town. I'm not poisoned by that bitch Mary-Louise and her family. That said, it would be [i]veeeeeeeeeeeeery[/i] helpful if you - you knoooooooow..." She chuckled as she said with a smirk, "... [i]Told me your her name.[/i]" [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q2GPlou.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Zeltzin ([@Bartimaeus]) & Ophrenia ([@silvermist1116]) [right][b][code]Black Mining Co. Reception Room[/code][/b][/right][hr][center][hider=Massive Attack - Angel (Instrumental)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwHRBRn-WNI[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr] [quote=Ophrenia]"Wow. Shouldn't you be tying up some white woman on the tracks to heist a train? Seems like you need to. The renovation budget is like three decades behind. We can't sue you for the bike. The damage doesn't exist, but we can sue you for whatever disease we're breathing in. I'm getting kinda itchy. Are you itchy Z? She's itchy. How much for a disease-borne pathogen from your family's backwater swamp abomination?"[/quote] "I see said disease has eroded your mental facilities..." These were the words that Callum Black said in response to Ophrenia, he turned his lip upwards as he gripped his glass of whiskey. Before he took a little sip, his other hand was slowly climbing from his side - with a finger already ready to point at the door - cot amused by Ophrenia and Zeltzin's antics. However, the latter spoke - and naturally, he ignored everything that came out of her mouth until she said... [quote=Zeltzin][color=9d362f]"... Where is Eleanor Black?"[/color][/quote] He stared at her blankly for a few moments... as he took yet another sip of his whiskey. That was when Callum flatly said, "... I have no clue who you are talking about. There is nobody in [i]my[/i] family by that name." He shrugged. He then pointed at the door as he said, "I tire of your antics, please leave immediately before I have Sheriff Parts remove you all..." [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GlZ3O3G.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Eugene ([@Drag]).[right][b][code]Quintin Market.[/code][/b][/right][hr] [quote=Eugene][Colour=peru]"Howdy, Sir, Ma’am. My name's Vincent, my friend and I are on vacation to see some…"[/colour][/quote] The two twins looked at each other when "Vincent" spoke and Genesis broke out into laughter as if Cody had said something hilarious - but not one word had come out of his mouth! [quote=Eugene][Colour=peru]"Well we're both fans of the country… and, well, "spooky" stuff too for lack of a better term. Sorry, I'm babbling. We were told that when it came to Quintin, the Black family would know more than anybody and that you guys sometimes hung around here. Hope I'm not disturbing you?"[/colour][/quote] The two smiled at each other, before laughing again... Cody jabbed Genesis with his elbow and then he was the first to speak. "You're not disturbing us at all," Cody started, "There's th-" "You can go into the swamp!" Genesis proudly interrupted Cody with a wide smile. [sup]"What? Are you [i]trying[/i] to kill him?"[/sup] Cody weakly said. "There's the abandoned trainyard by the swamp, the old Drayton Family Slaughterhouse out in the swamp, the Quintin Graveyard, the abandoned warehouse, the old Black Mano-" Genesis blabbed on, only to get interrupted. "Ssssssh, don't tell him about [i]that,[/i]"