[quote=@Xaltwind] [@Click This], [@Crusader Lord], [@Hammerman], [@PINKPANTHERESS], [@Qia] [hr] [center][h3][b]Some Forest...[/b][/h3][/center] The danger had come and gone, with two of the aggressive natives now lying dead and the third one whimpering like a beaten, battered child. However, it seemed the confrontation had left some of the girls in a bit of a shock - which was understandable, since most of them likely had never been forced to fight for their very lives in their previous world. [b][u]Sayu[/u][/b] and [b]{u]Aria[/u][/b] however, were not locked in a post-battle-stupor and were now instead trying to decide upon the ultimate fate of their former, now beaten, enemy. While the magical girl seemed unsure what to do, little red riding hood was advocating immediate euthanasia. But, fortunately for the ratman, the girls' debate was suddenly interrupted. Another sound came from the nearby bushes and shrubs - similar to the noise from earlier when the rodent-warriors had arrived on the scene! But there was no time this ... Time...! To make preperations or hide. "Jeez, this forest is so thick! I can't believe I lost sight of 'em...!" A ... woman, no, a girl's voice? And so, out of the shrubs stepped just that. A girl. Around the same age as [u][b]Aria[/b][/u] and [u][b]Charlotte[/b][/u], a pretty young thing with short black hair, and some kind of armor. She also carried a long sword in a scabbard on her hip. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked to be a bit out of breath, as if she'd been running... However, once she emerged from the undergrowth, and stood in the clearing with the scene before her... Well, there was a brief pause. A very long, drawn out brief pause. "... Eh...?" This was the first sound that escaped the stranger's lips as she blinked in confusion and bewilderment at the sight before her. There was a clearing, in the middle of the woods, with a group of five strangely dressed women, two dead rat-things and one squriming, wounded rat-thing. The girl stared... Both at the scene itself and at the strange and odd choices of clothes these other girls were wearing. It was rather obvious taht she probably hadn't seen anyone dressed like this before. "Uh... Uhm... H-hello there." She then suddenly started speaking, after having examined each of the other ladies briefly. "W-what're you doing out here in the woods? Dressed like that, I mean? Uh, no! I didn't mean your clothes are strange or anything! They just don't look... Uh...[i] Practical[/i]? for forest travel? Eheh~ I'I'm sorry, didn't expect to meet anyone all the way out here so I'm a bit frazzled." The girl sputtered out, trying to maintain a calm and polite appearance infront of these strangers. She then continued after taking a small breath, giving them all a friendly smile and sunny, shining eyes. "I forgot to iuntrdduce myself, huh? Hi, my name's LAynea. I'm an adventurer from Krosana. Nice to meet you all, ladies." Her vocie was chipper and full of friendly, unbiased and just plain old nice cheerfulness. "So, uh... If you don't mind me asking... Are you a group of travelling entertainrs or soemthing? Did you... Get lost in the woods? Oh, and did you all beat up these ratlings by yourselves?" It seemed the group had a whole new kind of native to deal with now. And a bunch of questions. So many questions.