[hider=The Captain:] [hider=Appearance:][img]https://i.imgur.com/QMyyClp.jpg[/img] [i]Height[/i] 5'7" / 169 cm [i]Eye Color:[/i] Brown [i]Hair Color:[/i] Orange [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Amber [b]Age:[/b] 18+(?) [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Background:[/b] [i]Mysteriously Unknown[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] Pirate Captain [b]Personality:[/b] The Captain seems to be a right fearless lass, brave, bold and hopelessly theatrical. Unapologetic, unabashed, unashamed and full of spirit. While she doesn't speak like your typical gutter-mouthed pirate, she nontheless has just as sharp of a tongue, and an equal razor wit to go along with it. She seems to enjoy good times and merriment, but for some reason never appears to partake in the imbibing of toxin drinks. Her way with cutlery and table-manners are also far and above what you'd expect fromn most vagrant sea-rats. Still, she's a little firebrand, with little patience and an equally short fuse. The girl also seems to be a bit on the vain side, often praising her own appearance - which is rather stunning to be fair - and doesn't seem shy about flaunting her goods and looks, nor using them to get what she wants, like a cunning little minx. As for any other traits... You'll just have to get to know her better. [b]History:[/b] [i]Not now, maybe I'll tell you about iat later, if I feel like it.[/i] [center]----------[/center] [b]Life Goal:[/b] [i]Unknown[/i] [b]Reason:[/b] [i]Equally Unknown[/i] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*][b][i]Acrobatics:[/i][/b] The Captain is very good at vaulting, somersaulting, cartwheeling, parkouring and any other similar things that require agility and balance. [*][b][i]Dancing:[/i][/b] The Captain is surprisingly good at dancing and is both fleet on her feet and graceful as well. She also seems to know a wide variety of dances, from the waltzes of high society to more ... [i]Risque[/i]... kinds of dancing. [*][b][i]Dirty Fighting:[/i][/b] The Captain is well-versed in the art of fighting unfairly. Kicking a man in the crotch, shooting another duelist in the back, throwing sand in someone's eye... You get the idea. Honorable combat is not her thing. [*][b][i]Swordplay:[/i][/b] The Captain is versed and capable in swordfighting. She may not be a master fencer, but she can definetely hold her own in a battle with blades. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*][b][i]Captain's Blade:[/i][/b] The Captain wields a very fine sword. Well-balanced, sharp, durable and light. It seems almost too fine a weapon for a lowly privateer to own. [*][b]Hand-Crossbow:[/b] The Captain is the proud owner of one of these small, single-hand pistol-like crossbows. While it may not have the range or punch of your typical arbalest, it still has enough power to be a lethal weapon in any skirmish. It is also a ornate and of high quality, just like her sword. [/list] [b]Pirate Parameters:[/b] [list][*][b][i]Strength:[/i][/b] C [*][b][i]Perception:[/i][/b] C [*][b][i]Vitality:[/i][/b] B [*][b][i]Intellect:[/i][/b] D [*][b][i]Wits:[/i][/b] B [*][b][i]Agility:[/i][/b] B [*][b][i]Charisma:[/i][/b] A [*][b][i]Luck:[/i][/b] F [/list][/hider]