[hider=Sekhmetara Khafre] [b]Name:[/b] Sekhmetara Khafre [b]Titles:[/b] Sol Invicta, The Pakhetera, Khonvoumaret, Aurelia, [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Homeworld:[/b] Mithra [hider=Inspiration Images] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/667651180872204299/729207199708217475/african-people-vector-black-man-beautiful-woman-character-traditional-tribal-clothing-dress-africa-i.png?width=538&height=567[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/667651180872204299/729206882505588776/maxresdefault.png?width=1009&height=567[/img] The Palace of Malika: [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/667651180872204299/754856773533302804/3b95020367eaafe7f2b933a0c5af086b.png[/img] [/hider] The world of Mithra sits in an ideal position within the life zone of its star, Rahken, with a somewhat warmer climate than Terra during the early era of human history. Whether this entirely accounts for the world’s dangerous megafauna is another matter, with various theories revolving around the world’s settlement during the Dark Age of Technology. The majority of the world’s land surface is covered in rainforest and savannah, ranging to desert and cold-tundra at the extremes. No continent on Mithra is permanently covered in snow or ice. The most obvious hallmarks of the planet’s original settlement are the space elevators connecting the world to its two moons, Khonsu and Thotha. While neither moon naturally possessed life or a climate, both have been reshaped into paradise estates through extensive terraforming and palace facilities. Mithra is a Knight World, with noble houses having formed around the original pilots of the Technological Warsuits. Local understanding of the technology of the warsuits, moons and elevators is relatively high for an isolated Knight World, with a Caste of Engineers able to maintain all three to a high functioning degree, if not able to recreate them entirely. [b]Appearance: [/b] Standing nearly twelve feet tall, Sekhmetara bears herself with an imperious stance even for her brother and sister primachs. Her skin is a dark nubile tone, and while her form is no doubt visibly powerful by any human measure, the strength in her form not obscuring her curvaceous build . Across her skin are various golden markings, unlike the traditional nobility of her home planet, these are formed from actual metal, so that her primach physiology does not remove the markings within the scope of days. Even still, they require rework every few years. Her long dark hair is often elegantly styled, although on occasion she will appear with shockingly white hair. How this is achieved is not immediately obvious, certainly not dye given the nature of Primachs. As befitting of a Mithrasee noble, Sekhmetara takes great care with her appearance, especially when the occasion suits it and it is not difficult to understand, even visually, why the people of her homeworld considered her the likeness of their Goddess of the Hunt reborn. [hider=Appearance Guides] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f7/d2/7a/f7d27a680239a919d060a7da567f44a5.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2d/41/cc/2d41cc81b86318ff88495418273bb00e.jpg[/img] [Img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b1/48/b1/b148b1af9f1c3b23bf1dc68592839f31.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality: [/b] If one was being favorable, one might describe Sekhmetara as unwaveringly confident, a critic might call her arrogant. She likely falls somewhere in between. The product of success in both martial and political matters on a world where such things are prized with religious fanaticism. That is not to say she is abrasive, although likely some find her too self-aggrandizing. She is smooth of tongue in the extreme, a carefully presented character of whatever aspect of her pleasure or wrath she wishes to embody at the specific time. When she wishes to, she can appear the opposite of aloof, as invested in whoever she is conversing with as she could anyone else in the entire galaxy, but this can be replaced with cold fury in the next moment, genuine or acted. She is a being that has grown up with the pressure and benefits of divine rule and there is much in her behavior that is reminiscent of the divine beings of ancient myth. While Sehkmetara is a being who appreciates art and beauty, what zhe truly craves is challenge and risk, ever pushing herself and her legion to greater feats of glory and valor. [b]Skills:[/b] -Martial Skills: All Primachs are dangerous, but Sekhmetara is so in a way which seems to balance between refined nobility and wild aggression. Having been raised a noble in the Knightly society of Mithra, followed by exile to the untamed wilderness of her home planet, she has fought both ritually and for survival against monsters that could fell a Knight Lance. In battle as a part of the Crusade, she wields the Glaive Encarmine, a masterfully crafted power glaive, Alongside this, her gauntlets house twin-volkite weaponry and retractable power blades. -Eye of the Huntress: Sekhmetara has a seemingly supernatural connection to both the natural world and the art of the Hunt, seemingly able to stalk prey where no other can find a trail, or implement the advantages of her surroundings with a capacity which exceeds even the greatest of mortal or astartes commanders. -Refined Arts: As well as a simple observer of such things, Sekhmetara is well versed in the creation of artistry, be that art itself, dance, sculpture, song, the refined tactics of noble generals, she has delved deeply into them all, more than capable of impressing the greatest minds and performers of the worlds she encounters. [b]Assignment Grade:[/b] Delta: While not always immediately obvious, Sekhmetara has a strong connection to the Warp, her interactions with it often subtle. Her presence calls attention to her, or allows her to mask herself beyond what her form and presentation should allow. The most visually obvious use of her psychic power includes cosmetic changes to herself, hardly as obvious as those who can twist their whole forms, but using it often to change the colouration of her hair, to cause her golden markings and eyes to glow, and other such tricks which only add to the impact her presence can bring. As she has regained contact with the Emperor, her control of her psychic abilities have honed somewhat, and she has begun to be able to wield more directly damaging psychic abilities, however she still tends to avoid this. [/hider] [hider=The Tears of Dawn] [b]Legion Name:[/b] The Tears of Dawn [b]Legion Number:[/b] XX [b]Armour Appearance:[/b] Legionary: [img]https://i.imgur.com/xicypBZ.png[/img] First Company: [img]https://i.imgur.com/hz6Mdko.png[/img] [b]Warcry:[/b] “Sol Invicta.” “The Dawn Breaks.” “For The Light Encarmine!” [B]Concept:[/B] The Tears of Dawn are a Legion that brings uncompromising force to bear in order to fulfill their duty, as a Legion they are not as specialised as many of their fellow legions, instead seeing their purpose in mastering the art of war itself. Often fighting alongside Imperial Army and Questoris allies, the Legion will more commonly spread itself among the other Imperial assets during both offensive and defensive actions, their mastery of combined arms warfare coming to bear upon the foes of mankind. In the years prior to the discovery of Sekhmetara, the Tears of Dawn, known as the Night Talons, shared much of the direct and aggressive style of war that the Tears would embody, used to strike blows decisively before the enemy even knew they were at war. The key distinction is the cooperation with other aspects of the Imperium, having previously been a very secretive legion. [/hider]