[@Xaltwind] hold up, re-imagining. New concepts emerging, please stand by. [hider=Ilyana] [hider=Appearance] This lady reminds you of a looming thundercloud. She has round green eyes that are like two pieces of jade. Her fine, straight, neck-length hair is like dark coffee, covered by a dark red scarf. She is short and has an athletic build. Her skin is tanned, except for a long thin white scar that splits her left eyebrow in half and runs down her cheek. She has prominent cheekbones and delicate ears with rounded points. [b]Height:[/b] 142 cm [b]Eye Color:[/b] Jade Green [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brunette[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Ilyana [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] Half-elf [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Background:[/b] Commoner [b]Occupation:[/b] Thief, Boatswain's mate [b]Personality:[/b] She's wary, always watching, usualy grim unless she's playing her fiddle. Stiffens if touched, known to strike out. [b]History (Summary):[/b] Wrongly imprisoned for five years by her own uncle for theft, then on her release, she was drafted into her nation's navy to fight against a pretender for the throne. Wounded numerous times in battle, awarded a couple of medals, then released to the beach at the end of the war. [hider=History] Born on the 13th of March in a port brothel on the Greenholme island of Revenore, where her mother took shelter. Unfortunately she died shortly afterward, so nothing is known of Ilyana's human father. She was raised by the the staff of her Aunt Pol and Uncle Glyberos' house, and was largely ignored by the family, including their eldest daughter Sylna and their youngest son Keras. They didn't know she was their cousin. When Marquis Muleho discovered Ilyana was their niece, her embarrassed aunt and uncle moved her to a private room and forbade her from helping the servants. They then arranged a tutor for her to get her caught up in basic reading, writing, history and math. A few years later when Marquis Muleho was visiting, the book he had brought for Aunt Pol to examine had vanished. The household was immediately thrown into an uproar. Her uncle went to her room first and found the burned out cover in her fireplace, while Keras "found" one of the gemstones from the cover under her bed. Glyberos had her dragged out to the court yard and flogged until she finally confessed to make him stop. The judge then used his authority to have her branded as a thief on her right palm and imprisoned for five years for the destruction and theft of noble property. To survive in that hellish place, her cellmates taught Ilyana how to become a thief, with a beating from the guards when she was caught pilfering food. When a disease ravaged the prison, she spent many hours tending to both the guards and the prisoners before finally succumbing herself. While she couldn't say for sure, sometimes afterward the guards and prisoners would show her a hint of respect. On Ilyana's release from prison, she was immediately press-ganged into the Royal Revenore Navy aboard the galleon the Golden Falcon. Crew were not allowed ashore except in the company of an officer, authorized to shoot them should they attempt to desert. When she wasn't repairing ropes or sails, Ilyana maintain the boats, work the top gallants, stand her turn at the ship's wheel keeping the ship on course, stand look out in the crows' nest, or do weapon drills. In the evenings, she learned to play the fiddle, and would play tunes when the stronger crew members were manning the capstan or pumps. Well aware that the thief's mark on her palm would make her suspect, Ilyana kept only a few belongings and left her money on the books, seldomly touching it even when they were anchored out and vendors would row out to the ships to hawk their wares There were several battles in the fight against the Pretender's ships, her most remarkable scar was a long, thin one that separated her left eyebrow in two and continued down her cheek, missing the eye, fortunately. They joined a blockade in the forth year of the war, pinning the Pretender and his ships in the harbor of Oranaserine. But the enemy tried to run the blockade under the cover of night to release fireships. Despite her alarm from the crows' nest, her ship was unable to avoid collision and caught fire. She was one of the few survivors found, clinging to a top gallant yard. Hailed briefly as a hero for surviving the fire ships, Ilyana was awareded a medal and immediately reassigned to the galleon Intrepid, where she served until the Pretender's at the battle of Hyel Taesi. Within a week, she was unceremoniously dumped on the beach of Mylmashys with her pay in pocket and a second medal for her service, while the ship sailed for Revenore without her.[/hider] ---------- [b]Life Goal:[/b] A nice house with a farm and fresh water on her own small island. [b]Reason:[/b] Stranded far from home and finding nobody willing to hire a branded theif, Ilyana has turned to piracy. [hider=Skills] [hider= Math I]The ability to do basic sums.[/hider] [hider= Bosun Call] A small shrill whistle used for signalling orders, can be heard for some distance[/hider] [hider= Brawling III] The use of fists and using whatever comes to hand to inflict harm to the enemy. [/hider] [hider= Canvas work III] Making sails, hammocks, bags, etc. out of canvas and rope [/hider] [hider= Climbing I] The ability to scale up vertical or inclined surfaces, including ropes, trees, and rock faces [/hider] [hider= Fiddle II] The ability to play a violin [/hider] [hider= Language (Greenholmes Elvish) III] The ability to read, write, and speak the Elvish language. [/hider] [hider=Language (Kreval) I] The very basic ability to read, write, and speak the Kreval language.[/hider] [hider=Language (Hironia) I] The very basic ability to read, write, and speak the Hironia language.[/hider] [hider= Rigging III] The ability to use rope, pullies, davits to move loads or rig shelters. [/hider] [hider= Running II] The ability to run distances. [/hider] [hider= Ship handling II] The ability to control the operation of a ship while underway, especially while in harbors, around docks and piers. [/hider] [hider= Streetwise II] The knowledge necessary to survive in difficult situations in a city.[/hider] [hider= Swimming II] The ability to move oneself through the water using their limbs. [/hider] [hider= Swordsmanship II] The ability to fight with a sword.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Equipment] [hider=Rigging Knife] a working knife that has the tip removed to prevent it from damaging canvas (or stabbing other members of the crew)[/hider] [hider=Bosun Call] A small shrill whistle usually hung on a neck lanyard, used for signalling the crew.[/hider] [hider=Cutlass] A short curved sword designed for slashing and use in close quarters[/hider] [hider=Belaying Pin] A long rod with a handle, used to secure rope in a pin rack. Can be used as an improvised club[/hider] [hider=Ditty Bag] A small canvas bag that contains multiples of items. [hider=Sailmaker's Palm]A small leather grip with a metal anvil used to push sail needles through canvas and rope.[/hider] [hider=Sail Needles] long needles used to sew canvas and rope[/hider] [hider= Sail Twine] balls of linen twine, often waxed, used to sew sails and whip ropes.[/hider] [hider= Beeswax] Used to wax linen twine so that it passes through canvas and rope easier. often packed in a horn to be hung from one's belt.[/hider] [hider=Fid] Used to open up twisted line to make it easier to splice ropes.[/hider] [hider=Monkey Fist]A rope-wrapped weight that can be tied to a length of cord or rope to pass between a ship and the pier or between two ships to allow heavier lines to be moved between them; can also be used as an improvised club.[/hider] [hider=Whetstone] Used for sharping blades[/hider] [Hider=Serving Mallet] Used to wrap cordage around a rope or cable.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Sea bag] holds a sailor's clothes and gear, often decoraded with embroidery, fringe, and knotwork. This also holds two medals in individual cloth bags.[/hider] [hider=Fiddle] Inside an oilskin bag to protect it from water.[/hider] [/hider] [b]Pirate Parameters:[/b] [b]Strength:[/b] D [b]Perception:[/b] B [b]Vitality:[/b] C [b]Intellect:[/b] A [b]Wits:[/b] C [b]Agility:[/b] B [b]Charisma:[/b] D [b]Luck:[/b] D [b][i]Dead men tell no tales.[/i][/b] [/hider]