[@Crowvette] Sounds like a good deal. Who doesn't love a boisterous pirate who sings sea shanties and is drunk 75% of the time (and sleeps the remaining 25%)? ^^ [@Punished GN] I [b][i]did[/i][/b] say in the interest check that there'd be "buxom wenches", didn't I? Of course, if this is too upsetting for you, I could always change the Captain's appearance. [@Eviledd1984] Now, now, don't throw our crew in the salmmer before we've even recruited them... We... KInda sorta need 'em... Free pass this time? [@Expendable] The Captain has all the necessary skills needed. By which I mean, she simply doesn't have certain skills, even if she [i]should[/i]. ;) Also, the skills-list is for [b]outstanding[/b] or [b]noteworthy[/b] skills, not [i][b]every[/b][/i] single skill a character possesses. Because if it were for the latter, the list could go on foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But to alleviate any concern you may have, The Captain does know how to handle a ship. ... Just not as well as you might like her to. Ilyana's history is looking a bit chonky there, might wanna break it up into paragraphs to make it a bit less WoT-y. But its still a WIP I guess, so I'm sure you'll polish it, keep up the good work~