[center][h3][b]Sayu Takayomi[/b][/h3][/center] Before any of them could decide on what to do with the last ratman, another series of rustling sounds came from the nearby bushes. "What? More of them?" Sayu took on a combat stance. "No… there's only one of them…" [Quote]  "Jeez, this forest is so thick! I can't believe I lost sight of 'em...!"[/quote]  "Eh? Was that a—" Before she could finish her sentence, a girl popped out from said bushes. "You're… you're not a ratman…" Sayu spoke, her mouth wide open. She didn't expect this at all! "You're a human, aren't you?" She eyed her up and down. [i]She looks like an adventurer of sorts… Damn it! If this is really a fantasy world then why can't I wear something sensible like her?! I'm stuck with this stupid costume if I want to keep that superhuman strength![/i] [quote] "Uh... Uhm... H-hello there." She then suddenly started speaking, after having examined each of the other ladies briefly. "W-what're you doing out here in the woods? Dressed like that, I mean? Uh, no! I didn't mean your clothes are strange or anything! They just don't look... Uh... Practical? for forest travel? Eheh~ I'I'm sorry, didn't expect to meet anyone all the way out here so I'm a bit frazzled." The girl sputtered out, trying to maintain a calm and polite appearance infront of these strangers.[/quote] "We…" She opened her mouth to answer, only to bite her tongue. Should she tell her the truth? Would she even believe her? Are people arriving from other worlds common in this place? "We're wanderers. From a faraway land. And we just so happen to be lost." She quickly made up a lie on the spot. "As for our clothes, it's…" Sayu's cheeks reddened. "It's enchanted. We won't be able to fight if we don't wear them." Technically it's not wrong after all.