[@samreaper] Now that Tristan had calmed down and was not having a PTSD induced panic attack, there was a common trend in the paintings and photographs; many of them featured Gracidea Flowers in one way or another. Even in photos that were in black and white, he could see flowers of similar shape to that of the Gracidea. They weren't the key focus, typically just decoration though maybe to him it would've been strange that they were featured so heavily. If Tristan could confirm one thing about them, it was that she certainly had a fondness for these flowers. However, it could've gone as far as her just liking them. There may have been no special meaning behind it. What did Tristan know about flowers anyway? He was just some rich kid that probably has never even touched a blade of grass before, which would explain why he is so out of touch with reality. Now, there were a few avenues that he could take. He could ask an employee some questions regarding the matter, or he could try his luck and gain access to Aria's journals and personal letters. During the tour they were mentioned to be held in the library for posterity's sake. After all, they gave insights and historical accounts of not just her private life, but to the history of Florasong and even other historical accounts that happened around the rest of the region. Or he could just assume that he has the answer though there was always more to dig. After all, Aria purposefully made sure no one else, but her knew how to enter the forest and like the good Dr. Burgundy said, it was like she was trying to keep everyone else out even in death. What was she hiding? What does Tristan do? [hr] [@Joshua Tamashii][@Lunarlord34] The two spooky girls enjoyed their leisurely morning walk along the riverside, maybe Amelia more so than Steph. After all, anything had to be better than experiencing the eldritch truth for the first time. Also finding the shadow people was traumatizing too. Let it also be known that Steph did indeed see her other partner Pokemon, but since her short-term memory was quite lacking this narrator will not remind her. To get to the fishing store, they would step on a wooden quay where even the earliest hours of the morning there were people fishing. Actually, there were a lot more than either would expect in the morning. Most of the fisherman with mainly older men that looked like they had nothing better to do with their retirements though there were some young people that were clearly on vacation. They heard the sound of a cold one being cracked open. Oh dear. While Steph was keeping her eyes peeled for anything for her to fight, it was best to try and keep one's eyes focused on what was in front of them. The Galarian bumped into a fisherman who was clearly reeling something in that was giving a good fight, but the bump just caused the man's grip just to loosen enough that the rod was ripped from his hands and sailed into the water with a great plop. "My rod!" He cried out in dismay before quickly turning to Steph with clear vitriol and said, "Alright, you better take responsibility for that!" [center][i][color=6ecff6]Fisherman Irwin challenges you to a battle![/color][/i][/center] The fisherman threw a Pokemon and out came the pointiest fish alive. It looked like its preferred prey was children. [center][[img]https://i.imgur.com/Rn6PPLC.png[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]#318 Carvanha, the Savage Pokemon. It won't attack while it's alone—not even if it spots prey. Instead, it waits for other Carvanha to join it, and then the Pokémon attack as a group.[/color][/i][/center] Whatever Steph sends out, the fisherman will order the Carvanha to use Aqua Jet. Meanwhile, Amelia would just be there to witness this needless battle with Steph who was jonesing for a fight completely in the zone. However, someone approached her; a girl with wavy black hair and gentle crimson eyes that sparkled in the morning light. She wore a white, sleeveless blouse, a lavender skirt that reached slightly past her knees, and lavender closed toe sandals. This girl was remarkably pretty, almost like a model. She was also tall as hell, like God damn! Amelia would have to bend her back a bit to actually get a look at her. [color=ed145b]"Well, it looks like Steph is enjoying herself,"[/color] she said to herself with a chuckle. The girl looked down at Amelia and smiled, kneeling down to her level as much as she could. [color=ed145b]"Oh you're absolutely adorable! Are you traveling with Steph too?"[/color] [hr] [@Zarkun] Just by the scale of its teeth the Totodile dodged that flaming fist, the impact cracking the ground and sending bits of stone up into the air. Jason not wasting any opening ordered Sable to use Mud Slap, the little crocodile kicked up clod straight at the flaming figure. The Echo did not have enough time to dodge such a quick follow up at close range and was hit by the mud in its face, at least where one would assume its face would be. It recoiled in pain and seemed to be temporarily blinded by the mud, which gave the opportunity that Jason had been looking for to attack again. A stream of water pulsed forward with great force and collided with the Echo causing the creature to reel back in pain. Steam radiated from its figure with a sizzle and yet despite the damage done to it, it still maintained its shape. Jason was going to need to put in a bit more work to take it down because this thing was sure going to do the same to him if giving the chance. It jumped up in the air and landed on one of those stone fixtures hanging by chains from the ceiling. It began to blast spheres of ember at Sable and jumped from fixture to fixture as it did so to make it hard to pin down. What does Jason do?