[center][h1][color=37B5A9]Stephanie Irwin[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/934958596612034630/Konachan.com_-_237143_sample.png[/img] [hider=Inventory] Pokedollars: 4900 4xpotion 8xpokeballs 1xpremier ball Black Sludge [/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=Team] [hider=Numero Uno] [color=80FCFF]Dusk[/color] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/x-y/shiny/litwick.png[/img] Species: Litwick Type: Fire/Ghost Level: 13 Status: Moves: Smog, Ember, Astonish, Minimize, Confuse Ray Ability: Infiltrator- Passes through the opposing barrier, substitute, and the like and strikes. Held Item: [/hider] [hider=Numero Duo] [color=A8A7A5]Dennis[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eGE2pGC.png[/img] Species: Pidove Type: Flying/Normal Level: 10 Status: No longer Beaten to a pulp Moves: Gust, Growl, Leer, Quick Attack Ability: Super Luck- Increases the critical hit ratio by 1 stage. Held Item: [/hider] [hider=Numero Trio] [color=C86760]Jack[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9zFOqIq.png?1[/img] Species: Sneasal Type: Dark/Ice Level: 10 Status Moves: Scratch, Leer, Ice Shard, Taunt Ability: Pickpocket Steals an item from an attacker that made direct contact. Held Item: None. [/hider] [hider=Numero Quadro] [color=907096]Glory[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Tvv5W6E.png?1[/img] Species: Whimpod Type: Bug/Water Level: 12 Status: Moves: Struggle Bug, Aqua Jet, Sand Attack, Defense Curl Ability: Wimp Out The Pokémon cowardly switches out when its HP becomes half or less. Held Item: None. [/hider] [hider=Numero Siete] [color=9668A5]Vi[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Z9hb3nr.png[/img] Species: Toxel Type: Electric/Poison Level: 11 Status: Moves: Belch, Tearful Look, Nuzzle, Growl, Acid, Flail Ability: Rattled The Pokémon gets scared when hit by a Dark-, Ghost-, or Bug-type attack or if intimidated, which boosts its Speed stat. Held Item: [/hider] [hider=Numero Ocho] [color=f26522]Lucky[/color] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/avif/growlithe.avif[/img] Species: Growlithe Type: Fire Level: 10 Status: Moves: Ember, Leer, Howl, Bite Ability: Flash Fire If hit by a Fire-type move, the Pokémon absorbs the flames and uses them to power up its own Fire-type moves Held Item: None. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pc] [hider=Numero Quinto] [color=96CAE5]Hermes[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Fxat1rI.png?1[/img] Species: Wingull Type: Flying/Water Level: 5 Status: Moves: Grow, Water Gun, Quick Attack Ability: Rain Dish The Pokémon gradually regains HP in rain. Held Item: None. [/hider] [hider=Numero Seis] [color=65836C]Luna[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IliXAgr.png?1[/img] Species: Trubbish Type: Poison Level: 4 Status: Moves: Pound, Recycle, Poison Gas Ability: Aftermath Damages the attacker if it contacts the Pokémon with a finishing hit. Held Item: None. [/hider] [hider=Numero Nueve] [color=827c80]Dwayne[/color] [img]https://imgur.com/GMROioS.png[/img] Species: Geodude Type: Rock/Ground Level: 6 Status: Moves: Tackle, Defense Curl, Sand attack Ability: Sturdy The Pokémon cannot be knocked out by a single hit as long as its HP is full. One-hit KO moves will also fail to knock it out. Held Item: None. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [@Joshua Tamashii][@hatakekuro] The day had barely even begun and she was already getting into a fight. Today was a good day! She didn't even get a chance to apologise for the man before he sent out a Carvanah and honestly, Steph was just appreciating the fact that he wasn't using it on her after her previous experience the day before. Also, how was this taking responsibility? Eh, who cared right? This was definitely more of Steph's style! And even if she did apologise, would the guy understand a word of what she said? Absolutely not. [color=37B5A9]"Carvanah huh? Guess thy must be caught round heah."[/color] Steph mused as she held a hand up to her should where Dusk was getting ready to jump down and defend his trainer, glancing at the girl as her hand blocked her partners path. [color=f37B5A9]"Nahh Dusk mite, thiies ine't a foigh' yah cahn wiien. Oy knaow just the gahl."[/color] Reaching down to her belt, she unclicked a ball on the side and tossed it out to reveal...Vi the Toxel. It was pretty straightforward, right? She was fighting a water type so using her electric type was the best choice here. This would also give her a proper chance to see what Vi was capable of as well, having only really used her against some poor wildlife. [color=37B5A9]"Roightao vi, fuhst yaw gawnna use Growl thaen laeh' the drongo heah hiieh' ya and whaen he does use Nuzzle gawt ih'?"[/color] The Toxel looked back at her with a bit of skepticism at the incoming pokemon clad in water but figured it was fine to trust her. Steph wished she more of a ranged option, because since Nuzzle required contact and all it didn't really leave much options to use without getting hit and she figured Vi here could at least take the one hit. After all, one hit was all she really needed to win this fight with Nuzzle. [color=37B5A9]"Aftah thaht, spiieh' eow' some Acid roigh' in hiies pointy fyce[/color]." While this happening, she was quite absorbed in the fight and didn't notice Freya coming up to Amelia. Oh well, she would just have to say hi to her friend when she finally did notice I guess.