[quote=Kadaeux] No.Suicide is when a rational thinking being decides that their fear of being alive outweighs their fear of dying and goes for the great escape.Euthenasia is when a rational thinking being knows that the quality of life they have left is going to be so terrible and such a burden on their family that they want a peaceful dignified death. Not to become a meat-shell going through the motions or a pure sac of agony.YOUR utterly terrible mindless example is called "Criminal Neglect" or "Manslaughter" [/quote] Is it? Is there really a difference between the two, or, is it just a play with words. How long must someone debate about their rational death that it does not become suicide but is a good death? What you call criminal neglect, is there a difference to watch someone die in a nursing home then same a prison? Both are covered by tax dollars. If I was a nurse and have the flu, one is in the nursing home and the other in a prison. If their life was so run down that my flu kills both, is it criminal neglect that they died. NO, because were do you stop. Reader, you could have had the common flu in your life, gave it to someone else and that person gave it to someone else that ended in death. Or, you could have had the flue, gave it to someone and never seen them again only for them to die some time latter. The reason I support suicide at any time, as were going to die some time in our life. I can be a 100 year old woman and be killed by a 8 year old girl with a flu. Oh, you can come up with a rational reason for my death in that way. But, if I say I want to die in say my 20's and in good health, then it is not a rational reason to die. So, the rational reason to be alive is to pay taxes?