Whatever doubts Hildegunde had been harbouring earlier scattered along with the rain of embers. Bullet well spent. Hopefully she will do fine without spending another. The parting words were ominous, but they were an issue for later. She spent maybe a singular second admiring the shower of extinguished flames, before deciding she needed to get a move on. That was, until Chunji approaches Iraleth. She freezes, observing, expecting another fight to break out. As demanding as Chunji was, she is relieved that he is approaching peacefully. While wary of him, and still not super on board with the idea of him as a classmate...well, it'd work to get on his good side. Best to be cooperative - it was maybe the smartest thing Iraleth had done all day, in her opinion. And who is she to turn down help from the woman who saved her earlier? She points back at herself, as if to ask 'me?', lips curling into an playful smile. False bravado. She is nervous, but it would be hard for someone to pick up on this with how airily she is carrying herself. [color=007236]"My aim's all I got,"[/color] she half jokes, approaching the duo. [i]If you're sure I won't weigh you down. I think you've dawdled enough helping others.[/i] She holds this back, however, in case the girl actually reconsiders. Not just because Chunji might react poorly, but because, quite frankly, she could use the lift. While she's not so injured that her physical ability is impeded in any way, now that the adrenaline has died down, she can feel her scrapes stinging. She'll need to clean them once her seat is secured. If she even manages that. Hildegunde will feel bad if carrying her is the reason Iraleth ends up losing her seat, but...well, it was her own decision. [@Psyker Landshark][@AThousandCurses]