[@Sifr][@Psyker Landshark][@AThousandCurses] [b][h3]PLAZA[/h3][/b] Upon taking in the building in front of him in full, Chunji would see a chunk of the building near the back that matched his idea of an auditorium. It was a wide room with undoubtedly hundreds of chairs in rows and a stage at the front. The only part that might come as a surprise would be the fact that the auditorium was packed. Most of the chairs were filled with bodies, seated and obediently facing towards the stage, where a boy seemed to be moving about the stage as if practicing a speech and reciting lines. Judging by the familiar glowing cores in each seated individual's torso, it was obvious that each and every single one, apart from the boy, was a mannequin. Apart from them, there was a trio of individuals holding off a horde of mannequins in a hallway near the auditorium - students that clearly managed to get the farthest ahead of the pack, so far, and have presumably been wandering beyond the plaza for some time now. To reach both the auditorium and the trio, Chunji would see that the proper path would be to follow the right walkway until reaching the town square further in, and then taking a left into the first door before running straight. Even without this sight, however, the plaza trio of Hildegunde, Iraleth and Chunji would hear the sounds of battle raging further on down both walkways. All hell seemed to break loose, with rabid mannequin warriors descending from the rooftops and from out of windows to assault the desperately dashing students. Despite the student conflicts largely coming to a close after clearing the bridge, danger still lurked, as those trying to cross through either walkway would have to contend with the stray attacks of gods-know-what Ethos attacks and magic alike. The entire campus became a fireworks show shortly thereafter, the ticking clock signifying a no holds barred rush for the finish. No consideration was given to property damage or friendly fire, absolute chaos and unrepentant violence becoming commonplace on school grounds as each minute flew by. Much of this, however, could be severely mitigated with flight. [hr] [@Estylwen][@ERode] [b][h3]MAIN BUILDING[/h3][/b] "Hmph. You really think I'd fall for such taunts, little girl? You have a vast gulf of experience to cross to reach my level of mental fortitude. I would be generous enough to take you on as my underling in the art of diplomacy, were it not for our shared fate as foes in this game of life." His words were snide and slimy, clearly reveling in this authority he felt, looking down at students from on high from a place of safety - a status quo he wished to maintain shamelessly. His snooty laughter was quickly drowned out by a single word. "Calm." With but a simple phrase and some clear and thought-out intent poured into essence, the horde of Mannekin relented. As Davil crawled his way back to safety, giving a grateful nod to Ciara upon having his katana back, he looked at Otis with confusion. "Are you... a power word user? You should've told me sooner, dude! That's really awesome, I can't believe you just did that! Ahaha!" Davil skipped and hopped over to the nearest Mannekin, hands at its sides, idling mindlessly, and tipped it over with a flick of his finger. "Guess they just couldn't handle the might of Otis and the Davster! The Dav!" He'd pose with his katana as if he were a proper samurai, before getting caught up in the moment as his eyes met Ciara. "Oh, and you too, actually. You were really great, uh, whatever your name was? Digging the shadows, real 'don't mess with me, punk' kind of vibe off of that." As Davil gave a thumbs up, he almost fell over, not noticing as the Mannekin he had just shoved over had already stood up and moved past him. He took a swing in a panic, somehow missing the target that was moving at a walking speed, as it kept on moving towards Otis and eventually around him and further down the hall. The other Mannekin followed shortly behind, their weapons discarded, all moving in orderly lines down the hall and turning a corner, moving left to continue further down another hall. "...Fine," the snobby boy's voice would crackle to life, sounding dejected. "Because of that little stunt, all interior units are being recalled, and you may follow them if you so wish to find your precious auditorium. I will be there, waiting for you all. If you value your lives, you will not follow, though. I will not hold back the moment I bear witness to your miserable faces in person. I will crush you, one and all, and become this academy's only student - the [i]true[/i] hero of Vaal Nero!" The sounds of battle would rage on outside, audible even from this hallway. Explosions and screams would ring out, alongside the sounds of scattering and breaking wood from Mannekin collapsing by the dozens. It was apparent now, for better or worse, that the hallway trio would not be alone for long one way or another.