I suppose I should clarify what the stats actually stand for, or what they correspond to. ----- S = Superb, uncanny, the peak of physical limitations. A = Exceptional, very good, very high. B = Good, high, noteworthy C = Above average, decent, fine D = Below average, alright, okay, fair, meh E = Poor, bad, low, lacking F = Terrible, very low, very poor, pitiful ----- So, having something like 'A' rank in [b]Strength[/b] woud put you on the level of something like a body-builder or someone who frequently and often works out and is [b][i]JACKED[/i][/b] as [b][i]PHUCK[/i][/b]. Anyway, the edits and revisions are fine and good, so both of them are accepted. Now adding to characters tab.