[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora [/color][/h2][/center] Rory looked over to Zavakri as she called to hold for a moment. The feeling of magic spreading over her briefly was enough for the elf to realize the sorceress was bolstering the three of them. With a quick look back over the water, Aurora was no longer able to see Jub or Brutrumukk. She dropped her bow onto the ground and drew a short sword. Blade in hand, the elf dove into the water swimming towards the bubbles and faint silhouette as fast as she could. Going under the water near the silhouette the mirky water revealed even less. She manages to go down a few more feet before slowing down readying herself for the potential of an attack looking carefully for the hostile creatures as well as Jub and Brutrumukk. [Hider=OOC] Rory dives into the water and uses the dash bonus action to go down 15 feet. She takes the dodge action while also trying to look for where Brutrumukk is under the water. If she finds Brutrumukk she will use the rest of her movement to close the distance and still use the dodge action. [/hider]