I have been binge watching Bridgerton lately and thought it would be cool if we still did that modern day. So, who is up for a modern day "regency era" RP? I have a few characters kicking around my brain that I will add to this interest check when I get off work today. I'd love to flesh out what the world looks like in this RP with my partner instead of me just making all the decisions. I am a high casual to advanced writer (most of the time). We all have those moments where we can't think of where to go and so the post is small, I won't bite but I do want collaboration and effort. I am not a hard-core grammar nerd, but I would like to understand what you're saying. So please PM or @ me if you're interested. I have no problems with smut if you're over 18 but I am also perfectly happy to fade to black for those who are not comfortable with smut. I also prefer a partner who is over 18 because well...I'm an adult. Hope to hear from some of you guys soon, thanks for stopping by!