If there were an official track team in Twin Towers, Erik would be the best runner in the Asian Car but these cliques and achievements paled to the reality of the situation. As he was helping poor Jasmine out of the motel, the law decided to stick it's ugly, and female head toward the two. Perhaps she just wanted Jasmine but knowing his street sense, the intelligent part of his brain said "Erik, run!" almost as if it mimicked Jasmine. Erik took off heading into the nearby woods, leaving the scrambling Sheriff to choose who she wanted to go after. He wasn't going to take the fall, hell no. Not again, not like L.A. he took off and the race began. He'd try to lose her if he could but being wanted again was going to be a pain in the ass. No one wanted to deal with a pain in the ass, he just had to navigate back towards the town or SOMETHING lest he meet the fate of the girls he was investigating. [@Punished GN]