[h2][color=bfb5f1][center]Robert Linden[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/78/d9/ae/78d9ae61ace4db40e120e1a368748735.jpg[/img][/center] As Robert continued to run... But he stopped, realizing he had no idea where any of them had gone to. He panted a little, again, he tried to keep his cardio up to prevent his legs from fully atrophying, but he wasn't exactly in the best shape of his life. [color=bfb5f1]"What the hell am i doing?"[/color] He panted. He looked around. [color=bfb5f1]"I can't let Magneto see me in this. He'll think i'm some kind of double agent."[/color] He sighed. Then again, it was the closest thing he had to a space suit. It was designed for harsh environments. He looked down the corridors. One led to the Hangar, the other led to C&C. Well, if nobody was answering from C&C, then he'd have to head over there anyway. This place needed someone at the helm. He set off at a run towards C&C.