[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pV5BXbKd/magic-girl-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent]Aria found herself mired in a profound unease as she and Sayu deliberated over the ratman's fate. The weight of their decision bore down on her like a heavy burden, and she couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort gnawing at her conscience. The creature before her, battered and whimpering, elicited an unexpected emotion: pity. It was a sentiment that clashed with the circumstances, challenging her preconceived notions of right and wrong. "Finish the job...?" Aria repeated hesitantly, her voice laced with uncertainty. Her gaze remained fixed on the wounded ratman, whose once-menacing demeanour had crumbled into a pitiful state. Before she could state her thoughts, however, their debate was abruptly interrupted by a new sound, a rustling in the nearby bushes and shrubs. A voice, belonging to a girl of their age, pierced through the forest's thick canopy. Aria's attention snapped to the newcomer, who emerged from the undergrowth, clad in armour and carrying a sword. Confusion and bewilderment painted the newcomer's face as she took in the peculiar scene before her. Aria felt a mixture of relief and trepidation as their unexpected guest introduced herself as Laynea. She stumbled over her words, attempting to make sense of the situation and the eccentric attire of their group. Aria couldn't help but offer a polite smile in return, appreciating Laynea's friendly demeanour despite the bizarre circumstances. [quote]"We're wanderers. From a faraway land. And we just so happen to be lost." She quickly made up a lie on the spot. "As for our clothes, it's…" Sayu's cheeks reddened. "It's enchanted. We won't be able to fight if we don't wear them."[/quote] Aria marvelled at her newfound friend's remarkable ability to fabricate a convincing story on the spot. Sayu's quick thinking and adept storytelling skills were a testament to her adaptability in the face of the unknown. She nodded her head in agreement, silently acknowledging the importance of maintaining their cover. The lie, she reflected, wasn't entirely false anyway, given the mysterious properties their attire seemed to possess. "We sort of had to defend ourselves against the...ratlings," Aria explained to the friendly newcomer, "Is Krosana far from here?" Perhaps once there, and if safe, they could all figure out what to do next. [/indent]