[Center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/987212017142202438/Tarak.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lzy9BpK.png?2[/img][/center] [color=gold]Location:[/color] "Uncle Mack's" Industrial Scrapyard Property of Maxwell Metals Incorporated A subsidiary of the Aqua Vitae Corporation 100 km south of Geom Haebyon 150 km northwest of Fort Tie [color=gold]Date/Time:[/color] 26 March, 3030 [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Reya [@Pilatus], and The Green Knights [color=gold]Gear:[/color] His clothing: Boots, long-sleeved shirt, pants, gloves, holstered [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986113421101641799/unknown.png]handgun[/url] with 20 rounds[hr] Tarak was at work on his mech, he wore down multiple parts during the almost insane run he and Ziska took. Much of the leg armor was worn and broken more towards the feet, yet the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] could still fly. Tarak knew he ran his machine hard, yet he tried his best to keep it operational, he had spent much of his time off working now. He ran the machine to its bones at this point, field repairs and low level fixing was some of what could be done for the poor machine, yet it still ran. Tarak had just finished some of the leg repairs he needed to do from his interesting mountain surfing. He threw his tools into his toolbox and began to head down where he saw Reya seeming to be waiting for him. Tarak made his way over, [color=gold]"Hey~! Oh, I wasn't doing much until you came around"[/color]. Tarak spoke with a bit of playfulness as he wore a smile. Reya was important, someone who seemed so different to Tarak they could quite literally be described as people who lived in 2 different worlds, even while stuck on the same one. She was…someone who interested him, he couldn't explain it, but he felt strange around her, at times he could feel at ease with her, other times he felt almost caught for words. However Tarak's attention was caught to the side as multiple people began running to the makeshift hut that showed holovids. Tarak gestured over as they made their way and watched the Holovid as he saw the horror that was on the screen, then came the roar of the Colonel. Tarak took a breath in and hardened his face, his face seemed to be that of anger as he turned to head to the briefing. There the briefing was filled with questions, everyone worried about the names of the Green Knights, the politics of it, but Tarak didn't care about any of that. An ambush was to be set, combat and fighting, no combat would say there would be actual resistance. That was not what this was to be, The Colonel put it best, this was to be an execution, Tarak gave a nod, nothing more for himself. He was not one to ask questions, just get results, he was almost always like that. It wouldn't matter, the mission comes first, thoughts and emotions come second. He turned to Reya, however, and said to her, [color=gold]"Good luck, be safe"[/color]. Tarak's hardened face softened slightly just a moment, worry was there on his once stern and near cold face.